Contact The Cosmic Circus

Got info?

Do you have a news tip, images, or exclusive to give us about a TV series or film you think we’d be interested in covering? If so email, or send a message through the form below.

Interview opportunities

Interviews for the site have been conducted with actors, writers, and producers from various productions, beginning with our first interview with Loki and Rick and Morty writer Eric Martin in September 2021. We have done both in-person, as well as interviews via Zoom calls, and are happy to be flexible in the form of the interview. For examples of our previous interviews, please visit this page. Inquires about interview opportunities with us can be sent to Editor-In-Chief Lizzie Hill at

Contributor inquiries

The Cosmic Circus is not seeking to add writers/contributors at this time.

We do not accept “Guest posts” written by sponsors about products. We do not accept “backlink insertions” in our articles. Email spamming about this will be ignored or blocked.

Product reviews and advertising

Inquiries about book, game, or other product review requests/opportunities should be sent to Lizzie Hill at Most reviews are as articles that are posted on the website and shared on our social media. In some cases, we may do unboxing/video reviews on our YouTube channel.

Sending a book or product for our writers to review doesn’t guarantee that it will be reviewed or that it will necessarily be a positive review. We review everything independently and honestly, regardless of whether we’ve been sent a product, or provided access to a screener/screening. (Learn more in our Disclosure/Disclaimer page here)

If you’re a brand/company that wants to advertise on The Cosmic Circus website, you may do so via this Mediavine Direct link. For more information on how this works, see Mediavine’s help article here.

Social media and updates

For updates on social media, follow The Cosmic Circus on X (Formerly Twitter) @mycosmiccircus, on Threads @MyCosmicCircus, BlueSky or Facebook For podcast updates follow @cosmicpodcasts on X Instagram or Threads or follow The Cosmic Circus podcasts most places where podcasts are available.

The Cosmic Circus Discord link

Other social media accounts for The Cosmic Circus include Google News, Instagram, and YouTube. You can also join the conversation in our Discord!

Lastly, please sign up for email updates via the Grow email forms available on article posts, or via this page. Grow allows you to bookmark and share our articles when you log in, as well as adding your email to our updates list (email updates sent through MailerLite).

For general inquiries or concerns about the website, please contact The Cosmic Circus through the form below.