News & Rumors

Confirmation of ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ Filming at MIT

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As our own Lizzie Hill previously reported, we know that parts of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever have begun shooting in MIT in Cambridge, MA, a message was sent out to the MIT. community and shared on Imgur and Reddit providing confirmation of Ms. Hill’s previous report and further information about the production filming at the esteemed university. 

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The message reaches out to members of the MIT community alerting them to filming occurring this upcoming weekend August 20th-23rd. But by far the most interesting highlight of the post is hidden casually, “we believe there is real value in MIT being represented in this film.” That is a particularly interesting addition, in that, as previously mentioned report by Lizzie Hill, MIT doesn’t usually agree to let productions film on campus, and couldn’t say for sure whether or not they actually would at the time of that report. Now it appears that not only have the Powers That Be at MIT seen fit to allow Black Panther: Wakanda Forever to film on campus, but they consider it a “real value” to have the university represented in the film.

That and the fact that the working title “Summer Break,” as referred to in this message, is a term that is often used for kids of all ages getting a break from school over the summer, make it seem more and more likely that the rumors of MIT whizkid Riri Williams appearing in the sequel are indeed true. Riri perhaps even has an important role based on these clues. After all, both America Chavez and Kamala Khan have significant roles in the MCU films they have coming up. It would make a great deal of sense to introduce Riri here with a similar-sized role before her Disney+ series launches. One can only infer that the shots of the renowned campus will be very reflective of the fact that it is the campus of MIT and nowhere else. If it was meant to be another campus, they need not have gone to the trouble to get the rare permission to film there. This only furthers the chances we get to see Riri appear in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever as a significant introduction, and not just a cameo, before we see her in her own Disney+ series, Ironheart

In the message, it also states the scenes being shot are that of vehicles in motion. Could it possibly be Shuri driving around trying to find a certain student? Or even Shuri and Nakia teaming up to close in on someone to maybe have a chat? Or as Lizzie Hill previously speculated in another article about the Black Panther sequel filming in Worcester , could it be some chase scene involving a “trouble maker?” Or perhaps Riri herself? Only time will tell!  Hopefully, we get some photos from these shots, if not we will have to wait and see what our heroes are up to in Cambridge, Massachusetts!


Sources: Imgur, Reddit

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Anthony Flagg

Howdy! I cover a variety of topics for The Cosmic Circus. My favorite topics to write about are video games, Pokemon and music. Drop me a line on Twitter! @redovah_

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