
Is Marvel Studios Developing “Xavier’s School” or Something Stranger?

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The internet is currently abuzz with the secret meaning behind Marvel Studios’ LLCs. Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are used by filmmakers for legal and organizational purposes for each of their projects, and Marvel Studios is no different. Oftentimes, an LLC is opened just when a writer is hired or when active development begins on a project.

In April, “Acid Pop Productions LLC” was registered as a direct-to-consumer streaming series. This LLC was pointed out by The Ronin, where it was also speculated that it could be an unannounced Marvel Studios project. In plain English, this mean it probably belongs to a Disney+ show that will be announced in near future. But what does “Acid Pop” even mean? Marvel likes to name their LLCs with some reference to what the property itself is about, sometimes as a comic reference or a tongue-in-cheek joke. WandaVision had an LLC of “Static Productions,” a reference to the old-time TV theme at the core of the series. Additionally, Loki was working under “Limbo I Productions,” a reference to the location introduced at the end of the show, with the Roman numeral “I” indicating that it would be the first season.

Well, a little digging reminded me that Acid Pops were a special candy from the Harry Potter series and the password to headmaster Albus Dumbledore’s office in Half-Blood Prince. This got me thinking about Marvel properties that could be compared to Harry Potter, and specifically Albus Dumbledore, and I think I’ve come up with two, I believe, very strong possibilities.

What does this mean for Marvel?

Again, I want to emphasize that I don’t know this for certain, so I can only theorize. But given the Harry Potter / Albus Dumbledore connection, I think it may refer to a school for kids with amazing or magical abilities led by a very special teacher.








Yes, I think the Harry Potter connection might be a comparison to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, the academy of the X-Men. If true, this might mean that “Acid Pop Productions LLC” is the Mutants project scooped by my friends at The Illuminerdi in March. Since Marvel President Kevin Feige dropped the term “Mutants” at San Diego Comic-Con in 2019, fans have long awaited the first official X-Men debut in the MCU. In particular, fans have been especially curious to see how Marvel Studios would differ their X-Men from the X-Men films made by 20th Century Fox. Focusing on the “magical school” aspects of the characters as an episodic TV show would be an exciting way to differentiate Marvel Studios’ Mutants from their previous live-action incarnation. 

This approach would be rich with the potential to introduce new characters, reintroduce familiar characters in a new environment, and give us many episodes and even seasons highlighting each of the Mutant cast (instead of focusing on only a core handful as the Fox films did). In the comics, the power of the X-Men is how diverse they are and the ability for readers to resonate with the side characters. A TV format is a perfect avenue for Marvel Studios to take to stay true to the comics, stay true to the characters, and stay unique from the previous Fox films.



Strange Academy-Comic_Covers

Marvel Comics also features another school, one even more specifically for magical kids – Strange Academy. A very recent comic started in 2020, Strange Academy focuses on coming-of-age stories from the perspective of kids learning the Mystic Arts from our favorite Marvel sorcerers. Featuring teachers like Doctor Strange, The Ancient One, The Scarlet Witch, and Agatha Harkness, there is certainly the possibility for Marvel Studios to adapt this into a series, although it may not seem to fit into Marvel Studios’ overall plan just yet.

I find this option less likely. Even though it would use characters already introduced, I don’t think the current trajectory of Doctor Strange, Wanda Maximoff, and Agatha Harkness is building up to a happy co-teaching opportunity. While I don’t know the arc of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness just yet, it seems to me that each of these characters is going through a much more complex arc and they may be more enemies than friends by the end of this… But I still think Strange Academy would be fun to see on screen someday, especially as an animated series!

So keeping in mind that these are just speculated theories on my part, what do you guys think? Would you rather see Xavier’s School or Strange Academy? Could “Acid Pop” be a reference to something else entirely? Let us know on our social media or in the comments below!

Sources: The Ronin (Acid Pop Productions LLC), The Illuminerdi (The Mutants)

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Reviews, reading guides, and crazy theories. Obsessed with the Midnight Sons. Find me on Twitter @vinwriteswords!

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