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Cosmic Cuisine: Ms. Marvel Inspired Doom Dogs and Circle Q Slushie

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Yield: 1-2 packages worth

Kamala Khan's Doom Dogs

Ms. Marvel Doom Dogs

This Doom Dogs recipe is inspired by Ms. Marvel!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Additional Time 5 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes


  • Water - 2 Quarts
  • Red Vinegar- 2 Tablespoons
  • Ground Nutmeg - 1/8 Teaspoon
  • Ground Cumin - Pinch
  • Favorite Brand of Hot Dog
  • Favorite Brand of Hot Dog Buns
  • Toppings: Large Onion, Chopped coarsely, Large Tomato Chunked, Relish, Mustard
  • Optional Toppings: Chili, Lettuce


  1. In a covered 4-quart saucepan, bring the water to a low simmer, and add vinegar, cumin, and nutmeg.
  2. Add up to two packages of hotdogs and over for at least ten minutes.
  3. Chop up onions and tomatoes for toppings
  4. Place hot dog in bun and assemble the toppings to desired quantity


I toom some inspiration from these recipes and adapted them to create Kamala Khan's Doom Dogs!

 When you think about summer, what comes to mind? Is it the warm weather, lounging at the pool with good friends? To me, nothing says summer quite like a barbecue with hot dogs grilling away. So while watching Ms. Marvel on Disney+ and having read Kamala Khan’s debut run, all I have to say is that girl loves food just about as much as she loves her family.

Multiple times in the initial run you see Kamala gushing over food, and even devouring a hot dog or two herself. So I asked myself, what’s the big deal? Why would she put herself into a stomach ache by devouring a THIRD Doom Dog?

I knew I had to begin my heroic mission to recreate these Doom Dogs that our newest MCU hero is obsessed with. Similar to how I posed myself the challenge of recreating Pizza Poppa’s Pizza Balls, I stared at this panel from Ms. Marvel #16 multiple times to try and gauge what is exactly on Kamala’s hot dog.

Ms. Marvel Doom Dogs Panel

Using my newly developed powers of investigating journalism, my best guess to the contents are cherry tomatoes (which… is weird…), relish, and maybe red onion!? Dear cosmic chefs, I’m not doing that. Instead, I’ll take the inspiration and embiggen the ideas of what the Doom Dog could potentially hold.

So where did I begin? By asking someone from Jersey, of course! Someone gave me a tip of a place that is…. about 4 blocks away from real-life Grove Street!

JC Hot Dogs Map

JHotDogBoss has an incredible variety of hot dogs, ensuring there is something for everyone. After surveying their menu…I had to do my best and make it at home. It was no easy feat, but I was the hero for the job! With (3 times) satisfying results, I impart my findings to you below.

Yield: 1-2 packages worth

Kamala Khan's Doom Dogs

Ms. Marvel Doom Dogs

This Doom Dogs recipe is inspired by Ms. Marvel!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Additional Time 5 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes


  • Water - 2 Quarts
  • Red Vinegar- 2 Tablespoons
  • Ground Nutmeg - 1/8 Teaspoon
  • Ground Cumin - Pinch
  • Favorite Brand of Hot Dog
  • Favorite Brand of Hot Dog Buns
  • Toppings: Large Onion, Chopped coarsely, Large Tomato Chunked, Relish, Mustard
  • Optional Toppings: Chili, Lettuce


  1. In a covered 4-quart saucepan, bring the water to a low simmer, and add vinegar, cumin, and nutmeg.
  2. Add up to two packages of hotdogs and over for at least ten minutes.
  3. Chop up onions and tomatoes for toppings
  4. Place hot dog in bun and assemble the toppings to desired quantity


I toom some inspiration from these recipes and adapted them to create Kamala Khan's Doom Dogs!

The recipe itself is really only called for the hot dogs, boiling them in plain water is not enough. I did it “dirty-water style” (again see the video) and from there just did a few fun combos for my lucky guests. 

My closest and greatest triumph was this arrangement – Hot dog relish (which is just regular relish with yellow mustard), white onions, a pickle spear, and of course: extra mustard.

The best part of creating Kamala’s Doom Dogs is that there isn’t a specific recipe to follow. I created as I went and took inspiration from real life and the comics. So as you develop your own version of Doom Dogs, please share it with us over on Twitter! We can’t wait to see how each and every one of you celebrate Kamala Khan’s entry into the MCU!

Ms. Marvel is currently streaming on Disney+ with new episodes dropping on Wednesday! Doom Dogs are available whenever you want and wherever your kitchen is located!

Click here for my Pizza Poppa-inspired Pizza Balls recipe and cooking video!

Cosmic Cuisine Pizza Poppa Pizza Balls


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Anthony Flagg

Howdy! I cover a variety of topics for The Cosmic Circus. My favorite topics to write about are video games, Pokemon and music. Drop me a line on Twitter! @redovah_

Anthony Flagg has 116 posts and counting. See all posts by Anthony Flagg

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