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EXCLUSIVE: ‘Werewolf By Night’ to be a Disney+ series, Working title and filming date revealed.

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A few weeks ago, it was revealed that director Kevin Smith was told by Jeph Loeb that he could not use Werewolf By Night for his since scrapped Howard the Duck Hulu series due to the fact that Marvel would be using the character elsewhere. I can exclusively report that Werewolf By Night will be a Disney+ series filming under the working title Buzz Cut. The production company for Werewolf By Night is Natural History Productions LLC.  The series will begin filming next February. 

Werewolf by Night has previously been rumored to be in Moon Knight. Given that we already have characters spawning off of other MCU films and shows getting their own series, it seems very possible we could see the character in Moon Knight first, but there are only rumors about that so far. 

In addition, I have learned that Marvel Disney+ series Echo is still set to begin filming a the end of January and Ironheart 3 months later, at the end of April. I had previously reported about that and the working titles. Filming dates can change of course, but this is the current information I have on those two projects at the moment.

Edit to add: I somehow missed a report from GWW in 2019 where they said heard Werewolf By Night was to appear in an upcoming Marvel project, and although they specifically mentioned their sources were not clear about where WBN would appear first, they did mention that they were hearing a “spinoff was being explored.” My scoop today confirms that WBN will appear in his own Disney plus series as well as other information such as the working title (“Buzz Cut”) and it is being filmed in early 2022. It is still unclear where the character will appear first, if it is Moon Knight, as GWW and many have speculated, or in this series. I apologize for the searching error and for missing the other partial report of this earlier.

Also adding that it was previously reported by The Ronin that Natural History Productions LLC was a Marvel production scheduled to film in February 2022. Another search miss by me.  Sorry. In my defense, I knew I had a HUGE scoop and I was excited. Neither Ronin nor GWW however, ever confirmed the project attached to be Werewolf By Night or working title as I have in the above article.

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Lizzie Hill

I'm a lifelong fan of sci-fi, fantasy, and comic book movies. In July 2021, I launched The Cosmic Circus as Editor-In-Chief with a small but passionate group of writers. @MsLizzieHill on Twitter and Instagram.

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