
Interview With The Fans Behind Save ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Campaign

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In a move that surprised both fans and those working on the series, the CW abruptly canceled the Arrowverse show DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. The last episode of the beloved series, “Knocked Down, Knocked Up,” aired at the beginning of March. The show ran for seven seasons. 

Since the cancellation, there’s been an impressive fan campaign to save the show. The campaign has more than 27,000 signatures on a change.org petition and has international support. They’ve shown their love for the show with billboards in NYC and elsewhere. 

We talked to the people at the Campaign to Save Legends of Tomorrow (@CampaignLegends on Twitter) to find out more about what the show means to them and their ultimate goals.

Ayla: First, how did you folks come up with the idea for this campaign? How did your team get together?

CampaignLegends: When the show was still in the bubble, the Legends of Tomorrow writers’ room organized a week-long Twitter campaign to make noise and get the show renewed. Once that was over, Mili had the idea to continue what the writers had started and from there, we got a group together with Bea, Gi, Reni, Bern, and Ellie to organize a campaign and get the show renewed.

Since the CW has canceled Legends, we have moved forward with a campaign to save the show. All six of us are fans of the show trying to do our part to get it back.

Ayla: Your petition has, as of this interview, a little bit over 27,000 signatures. It’s getting close to being one of the top signed petitions on Change.org. How do you feel about that? What has the reaction from the fan community been like?

CampaignLegends: We didn’t start the petition ourselves; all credit goes to Alex Sullivan, who put it all together! We’re super happy that so many people want the show to continue or at least get a proper ending.

The show means a lot to us as well as other people, so we think it’s accurate to say everyone in the fandom is glad the petition has gotten that much attention. We hope it does keep getting more attention to eventually help us get the show picked up again.

Ayla: What have been your inspirations while working on this campaign? Did you draw inspiration from successful campaigns like NBC’s Manifest?

CampaignLegends: Luckily a lot of fans step in and help us out with different ideas. There are a few fans that already participated in campaigns for other shows, so they had more experience, which is helpful.

We read about successful campaigns like the ones for Wynonna Earp and Lucifer. We have to mention the Legends writers because the activities they organized for the first week of the #RenewLegendsOfTomorrow campaign is what brought our group together, so we could keep this going.

We also came up with some ideas by ourselves like the games for power hours and the Q&As with writers. We thought it’s a good incentive for the fans to keep joining and participating in the dynamics.

Ayla: What would be a win for the campaign?

CampaignLegends: The best-case scenario would be for a network to pick up the show and let it continue for more seasons, as we all know it has the potential to do so. We don’t think the Legends should even be in this position right now, so at the very least, we want closure and a proper ending for the show.

Ayla: Legends of Tomorrow is special to so many people. What does the show mean to you?

CampaignLegends: Oh wow, how to sum everything up… – Legends is a show about a found family, and in a way, we believe that that’s what it gave us in return. We found the show to be a home, a place where we would be accepted no matter what, where we are going to be seen and our thoughts and feelings would matter.

It’s a fun show, where queer folks and POC get their happy ending, and their stories go beyond just that. The way diversity is handled by the show means a lot to us, because it is rare we get to see ourselves represented in such a positive and respectful way. We can feel safe watching them, every character is relatable, and every episode is like a whole new world. It means happiness.

Ayla: I know you’ve been in touch with some of the writers – you’ve done amazing interviews with them. Has anyone from the network reached out to you?

CampaignLegends: We appreciate the support we have been getting from the writers. We have not heard from anyone at the network.

Ayla: What is one thing that a Legends fan can do to show their support for the series?

CampaignLegends: Legends fans can follow what is going on with the campaign on the account we are running on Twitter (@CampaignLegends) and reach out to networks by email to let them know there is a demand for the show to be picked up.

We do have a GoFundMe, which is what funded the billboards that have gone up, but we know not everyone can donate money and that’s okay! We have a Twitter-based campaign and fans can tweet using the hashtag #SaveLegendsOfTomorrow. It would be more ideal to participate during our power hours (2 p.m. EST / 11 a.m. PST) so our message could spread further, it would seriously be lots of help.

We have more details on all of this in the pinned tweet of our Twitter account!

Ayla: Is there anything else you want people to know?

CampaignLegends: Representation matters! It’s sad that we always have to fight for it, but as the legends do, we won’t go quietly. Save Legends Of Tomorrow!

At The Cosmic Circus, we sure hope they’re successful. Make sure you follow their Twitter account for updates. On Tuesday, the Save Legends family has Q & A planned with Legends writer Emily Cheever. Make sure you check it out. See their Linktree page for more information about the campaign.

If you’re curious about what Season 8 of Legends of Tomorrow could look like, be sure to check out Uday’s report from Motor City Comic-Con. Legends star Caity Lotz revealed some of the plot details, and Uday has the details in his panel report. And Brian Kitson recently shared his thoughts in a review of Season 7 of Legends of Tomorrow.  

Would you like to see DC’s Legends of Tomorrow continue? Please share your thoughts with us on Twitter @MyCosmicCircus. 

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Ayla Ruby

I am a writer and interviewer based somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant. I love all things nerdy - but Star Trek and Spiderman have special places in my heart. Find me at @TulinWrites on Twitter. And visit my other website for more reviews and interviews: movieswetextedabout.com

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