Yes, the Patreon is back up! After a long pause on the Patreon here, I decided to bring it back with an eye on supporting The Cosmic Circus’ podcasts and YouTube channel, neither of which is currently monetized. John and Vin have been doing a fantastic job with movie and show reviews, as has Vic and Vin with some great comic book talks. I hope you’ll check out the audio podcasts in the feed here, or find Cosmic Circus Podcasts most places you listen to podcasts.
You can also find the video versions of many of our podcasts on YouTube here
If you like what we do at, I hope you’ll consider supporting the site and especially our work on YouTube and the podcasts. Patron tiers are currently set at $3, $5, and $10, so check out the benefits of each to see what tier might suit you best.
Please note, if you were a patron here previously, our tiers have changed and the tier you were on doesn’t exist anymore. Please check and adjust your tier, or cancel if you no longer wish to support this Patreon.
If you can’t support us on Patreon right now, following the website on social media (@mycosmiccircus), the podcast, and the YouTube channel and checking out the videos there, as well as sharing and commenting helps us too! Anything you can do is appreciated. 🙂
As always, thank you for your support of my website. It means a great deal to me.
Lizzie Hill
Founder/Editor-In-Chief at The Cosmic Circus