GamingNews & Rumors

The Future of Star Wars Gaming: May 2022 Roundup

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Obi-Wan Kenobi drops on Disney+ on May 27th, and it’s time to feel the might of both the Dark and Light sides. As Emily has already put a great guide about Obi-Wan and Anakin out, I felt it was my duty to the Rebel Alliance to gather other records about the future of gaming in Star Wars, and bring them to the base to share with the rest of the resistance. 

Star Wars Returns to Fortnite!

In brilliant timing for marketing, Fortnite has brought back many skins (listed) for Star Wars Celebration (May 26-29). They’ve seen an increase in player base with the inclusion of the “no-build mode” of the popular battle royale shooter. For a limited time, there will be lightsabers to wield, blasters to shoot, and quests to complete to unlock an Empire banner to show your allegiance to the First Galactic Empire.

fortnite obi-wan kenobi lightsaber

Skins being recirculated: (Imperial Stormtrooper, Kylo Ren, Zorii Bliss, Finn, Rey, Sith Trooper, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Krrsantan)

Recently it’s been very heavily rumored that Obi-Wan Kenobi will receive a skin new to the game as well as a possible return of Darth Vader as a regional boss. The teaser clip highlights his famous blue saber and has a slight zoom-out effect showing the wielder having the high ground. [Update 5/20: it has been confirmed that Kenobi will be available on Fortnite beginning 5/26]

In regards to Vader, players can face a “boss” in open combat and be rewarded with a high rarity weapon and support item once defeated in certain locations. Previously, Din Djarin was an in-game boss and would drop a rifle and jet pack for your loadout.

Rebuilding the Order and Beyond

Thanks to both Bespin Bulletin and video game insider Jeff Grubb we have some updates on the Jedi Fallen Order Sequel. First off, apparently, we aren’t seeing the game for another year and to add to that, they’re making this a next-gen only game.

While supply constraints haven’t gotten much better, the availability of consoles by then may have improved for more gamers. The ending had Cal Kestis choose to destroy the Holocron while narrowly escaping the clutches of Darth Vader himself to protect the Force-sensitive children from a life of pursuit from the Empire. After that, it’s quite uncertain what adventure he has left.

The standout gameplay and story made it an instant favorite for Star Wars fans, so the prospect of any news is always exciting.

“One of the reasons they’re going to be able to do that [release it on next-gen] is because it’s not coming out until 2023. This game is for sure now not coming out until 2023. I guess it’s a slight disappointment, but I think we’ve been preparing people for that on the show anytime we talk about it.

Every time it comes up, I said they were targeting 2022, but no one should really get their hopes up for that. Well, now we can for sure say it is definitely 2023” – Jeff Grubb (Twitch)

While I don’t expect much in this year’s Star Wars Celebration, I anticipate an acknowledgment of the existence of the sequel and perhaps a title. If the Force is with us, maybe even a first glance at some gameplay or a very short teaser.

I’m a big fan of the works from Respawn Entertainment namely Apex Legends, their well-performing Battle Royale. The FPS that is mentioned in the EA blog post is a project I hope to hear more about soon even if the release date is far, far away. 

It’s a great time to be a Star Wars gamer. Many other exciting projects are on the way like the ones Amy Hennig’s Skydance New Media and Ubisoft recently announced (both untitled). In addition, there is a remake of Knights of the Old Republic which could make a 2022 release.

The recent Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga was also a hit with critics, although some performance issues and bugs are still present (I am personally experiencing the Maz’s castle bug in Episode 7, which has not allowed me to progress.). But most are manageable with some workarounds. 

Which games are you looking forward to playing in the Star Wars Universe? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter if you’re going to join the Empire or the Rebellion in this season of Fortnite!

Sources: Fortnite / Bespin Bulletin / Bespin Bulletin /

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Anthony Flagg

Howdy! I cover a variety of topics for The Cosmic Circus. My favorite topics to write about are video games, Pokemon and music. Drop me a line on Twitter! @redovah_

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