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‘Time Travel is Dangerous!’ is British Comedy at its Finest

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British comedy is some of the best in the world, whether it’s the slapstick comedy that made the Carry On films so famous or the more subtle, sarcastic, and dry comedy that can be found in many of our best, more recent shows and films. Time Travel is Dangerous! is a new British comedy film written and directed by Chris Reading that meshes two of my favourite genres, sci-fi and comedy, into a hilarious, very British adventure. This movie has a small budget yet features wonderful visual effects, a very funny cast including some big British names, and a charm that appeals greatly and enhances the film above the usual small-budget affair. 

Time Travel is Dangerous!: the story

The plot of Time Travel is Dangerous! revolves around two vintage shop owners in London, Ruth (Ruth Syratt) and Megan (Megan Stevenson) who, when dumpster diving, find a time machine someone threw away. The time machine, which is shaped like a bumper car from a fairground ride, allows the pair to travel back in time.

Ruth and Megan use this time machine to help stock up their vintage shop with real historical artifacts that they “borrow” from the periods they visit, much to the delight of their zany customers. The pair of friends ends up messing with time after using the time machine too much, which leads to the disappearance of Megan into another dimension. Ruth then teams up with a bunch of inventors (including the original inventor of the time machine) the pair had reluctantly become friends with, to fix the universe and save her friendship.

Time Travel is Dangerous! revels in its Britishness, oozing with the charm, comedy, and surreal nature of itself as a movie. There is plenty to love from the dry, self-aware wittiness that makes it so great. There are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, as well as the surreal comedy that may take you a moment to understand.

Ruth (Ruth Syratt) and Megan (Megan Stevenson) in Time Travel is Dangerous!
Ruth (Ruth Syratt) and Megan (Megan Stevenson) in Time Travel is Dangerous! (The Unreason LTD)

The first half of the film is presented in a mockumenraty format, in a similar vein to The Office (UK), which allows for some great comedic moments from Ruth and Megan as well as the science club they befriend to take the time to explain the absurdity of the science and time travel within the film in such a nonchalant way. Being a mockumentary, it means a narrator is needed for some parts of the film. This is brilliantly done by legendary British icon Stephen Fry, who brings a touch of British charm and class to the film, as well as his dry wit. 

The film somewhat loses the mockumentary style as it goes on, as the plot becomes a little darker when the universe is at stake. This paves the way for a hilarious scene set in another dimension towards the end of the movie featuring several British comedy actors such as the wonderful Mark Heap (who you may know from Friday Night Dinner or Spaced) who plays a rather eccentric character Ruth and Megan have to deal with. 

The charm of this sci-fi comedy lies in its cast

Time Travel is Dangerous! excels in the fact that yes, it is a comedy, but there are still plenty of heartfelt and emotional moments within the film, especially between the two main characters, Ruth and Megan. As the actresses are (somewhat) playing themselves, they bring a sense of earnest and realism to their roles. Both actresses have not acted in much, yet they hold up very well with each other and against more seasoned actors. The main characters are quite dim-witted but have a friendship that lets them bumble their way through the film, making friends and enemies with a whole host of eclectic characters, none more so than the science club they find themselves a part of.

Cast of Time Travel is Dangerous
The cast of Time Travel is Dangerous! (The Unreason LTD)

The supporting cast for the film stems from this Science Club that Ruth and Megan end up being drawn into as the newest owners of the time machine. The club is filled with a whole host of British comedy icons who all play wonderfully wacky roles. Guy Henry brilliantly plays the leader of the club, Martin, who is a bit of an ass and also a very rubbish leader, often becoming power-hungry and losing the group both at the same time.

Tony Way, another great comedic actor, plays Peter, a character who is often at the brunt of the jokes and a bit of a loser in being the comedic relief character of the movie. Johnny Vegas is another standout, playing the character Robert who was also “Botty” in a science TV show in the 80s that the characters Ruth and Megan adore watching through old VHS tapes, Vegas alongside Brian Bovell as the old host of the show, Ralph, both bring a rather nuanced performance between the comedy and emotional depth from the both of them, as they share a past with the time machine which becomes apparent at the film goes on.

Time Travel is Dangerous! very cleverly makes the most of its low-budget roots, it has brilliant visual and practical effects throughout and the very 80s/90s style of the film shines through the feel of Ruth and Megan’s vintage shop, the time machine itself, and the members of the Science Club and their inventions.

Despite the low budget, you never feel it, as the film looks great visually and audiences can see there was time and money spent on the set pieces and effects. The low budget also allows for the brilliant writing and comedy to shine as it is not reliant on big showy set pieces or situation comedy. There are plenty of laughs just from two characters talking in a classroom. The film doesn’t need to rely on money to give us such a charming and funny set of characters, who both give us funny and also emotion and depth in each of their roles. 

Final thoughts on Time Travel is Dangerous!

Time Travel is Dangerous! is a very entertaining, funny, effervescent sci-fi comedy that makes sure to bring plenty of laughs to its audience. The mockumentary style of the film loses its way slightly, and you can be taken out of the film at moments of sci-fi explanation but for the most part, this film blends an excellent cast of big British comedy powerhouses as well as newer actors and gives them plenty of comedy and a sprinkle of emotional scenes to work with brilliantly.

Its low-budget indie charm works incredibly well in its favor and brings surreal sci-fi and sometimes silly, wacky comedy together. It is an excellent exploration of friendship and reconciliation and the dangers of time travel, just as the title suggests. It is well worth watching for anyone who wants to laugh.

Time Travel is Dangerous arrives in UK and Ireland Cinemas on 28th March! Do you want to see this soon? Let us know what some of your favorite sci-fi comedies have been on social media @mycosmiccircus or @TheCosmicCircus.com on Bluesky. 

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