
Welcome to The Cosmic Circus!

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Greetings and welcome to the premier post of brand spanking new nerderific website The Cosmic Circus! I hope you enjoy it here!

Those of you who have followed me a while know that I’ve been contributing and helping out at Murphy’s Multiverse since the early days. To be clear, I still plan to support my buddies there, but I have been feeling I needed to do something of my own for a while now. I just wasn’t sure what until it occurred to me that I really wanted to be able to share a more personal view, in my own unique voice, about my favorite fandoms. But that didn’t exactly fit with where I was already. I also felt very strongly that I wanted to encourage other fans who wanted to write about some of their favorite movies and TV series as well. So here we are at The Cosmic Circus.

This site is mainly going to focus on comic book movies and shows, of course, as well as other sci-fi and fantasy films and television properties. My goal is not to make this yet another scooper news site, however. I may very well have scoops here or at Murphy’s in the future. But the Cosmic Circus is more about fans being fans, sharing what they are excited about, and what they love new AND old, rather than worrying about tackling breaking news and scoops quite so much.

While I’m not saying people won’t ever come up with some negative (but fair) points here about some of these properties we love, this site, I hope, will be much more about positivity and love, than anything else. That is the goal, anyway. If that bores you, well… all I got to say about that is there are plenty of places to be a primarily negative grinchy grump on the internet, and I’m not going to run one of them. I want people to have fun both writing and reading what’s here.

As for other writers, I was pleasantly surprised the other day. When I mentioned on my Twitter (@MsLizzieHill) about being interested in having a few writers come on as guests on the new site, I very quickly had a bunch of people excitedly inquiring. I now believe I have some great enthusiastic new writers lined up here. I hope to start posting articles by them soon. I’m super excited about that and I hope you are too!

Lastly, I must mention that to help me afford to spend time and money on this website and get it going and maintained and hopefully improve over time, I started a Patreon HERE. I tried to include some benefits that I hope are worthwhile to people while staying affordable. Benefits include audio Q&As with me, and a Discord (which I painstakingly set up so I really really hope lots of lovely people come and talk nerdy stuff and support each other and the site there). There are also watch parties, as well as occasional “insider insights” from yours truly.

I greatly appreciate any and all support you can offer, whether it be as a Patreon supporter or as a social media follower. This is a BIG step for me, and it’s a little scary in some ways, and I may screw up and fall on my face occasionally with it, but I think it has a lot of potential. I do need a bit of help getting it all off the ground and running tho. So again, if you can support me and this by joining my Patreon, THANK YOU SO MUCH. And even if you can only pass along a link or like a tweet, THANK YOU.

Here’s hoping for good things here in the future!

Love, Lizzie

PS: Whoops! Almost forgot! If you’re one of those wild and wacky Twitter types go follow @myCosmicCircus on Twitter for updates to this site! You won’t regret it!

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Lizzie Hill

I'm a lifelong fan of sci-fi, fantasy, and comic book movies. In July 2021, I launched The Cosmic Circus as Editor-In-Chief with a small but passionate group of writers. I am now also the owner/EiC of subdomain site, Cosmic Circus Broadway. @MsLizzieHill on Twitter and Instagram.

Lizzie Hill has 130 posts and counting. See all posts by Lizzie Hill