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Book Review: A Feather So Black (Fair Folk 1) by Lyra Selene

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Twelve years ago, twelve girls disappeared from Fodla. They were stolen by the Folk in an effort to end a war between Humans and the Fair Folk. In their place were left sticks, bees, and other things. But when the princess of Fodla was taken, something different was left. A young girl who looked almost exactly like her, but wasn’t quite human, a changeling. Now that changeling, Fia, has a chance to end the curse and save Fodla. But twelve years is a long time, and the Fair Folk are not the only ones who lie and scheme. Fia will have to decide who she can trust and what she really wants in order to finally end the war and save both Fodla and  Tír na nÓg. Lyra Selene’s debut novel A Feather So Black is a can’t miss story of a girl finding herself and gaining the world.

[Note: While I am reviewing this novel independently and honestly, it should be noted that it has been provided to me by Orbit for the purpose of this review. Warning: My review of A Feather so Black contains some spoilers!]

A Feather So Black, and what one might do for love

Fia has spent her entire life just wanting someone to love her. Well, at least the last 12 years of her life. But she can’t remember anything before waking up in Eala’s bed twelve years ago. Since then, she’s been feared and reviled by everyone around her. The queen claims to love her, but it’s clear that she only loves Fia for what she can do, not who she is. Of course, Fia doesn’t understand that. The product of years of emotional abuse, Fia is willing to do anything for her queen. Even go and rescue the princess who is betrothed to the man Fia loves, and steal fairy magic.

But when Fia gets to  Tír na nÓg a strange thing happen. She feels like she’s come home. And someone is waiting there, Irian. He’s supposed to be her enemy, the evil Gentry who kidnapped the princess and guards the magic Fia is supposed to steal. But Fia finds herself drawn to him.

Irian seems to like her exactly the way she is. Her magic isn’t a flaw to be hidden, it’s a gift to be treasured. Fia begins to question her mission and herself. However, years of abuse are hard to overcome. And besides, everyone knows that the Folk are tricksters that do nothing but lie. Which love is the real love, which life does Fia want? Will she choose the love she knew, or the love she’s found?

An exciting first fantasy novel from Lyra Selene

A Feather So Black seems like a run-of-the-mill romance at first, the second-place girl caught between an old love that takes her for granted and a new, dangerous love that sees the true her. But Selene manages to make it more than that. Just like the people around Fia, Selene manipulates you into thinking you’re reading one story when you’re really reading another.

It’s not about Fia picking between two men, it’s about Fia picking herself. She can’t love anyone so long as she still hates herself. And thanks to growing up surrounded by people who hate her and her magic, she does hate herself. She thinks she’s undeserving of real love. Only when she stops hiding from her true self and embraces all the different aspects of herself is she able to accept love into her life too. 

A Feather So Black by Lyra Selene

And it’s still not about a guy! It’s about her loving herself. I really loved how Selene managed to write a romance about self-love in a way that was still provocative and exciting and sexy.

There’s adventure and world saving too, but the real story behind A Feather So Black is love. Fia has to deal with motherly love, sisterly love, puppy love, deceptive love, true love, lust, friendly love, and self-love. Even grudging love (I love you Corra, and Fia does too, even if she doesn’t always show it!).

Fia has to sort out which is which and decide which she wants. She has to decide which has the most weight for her and what price each carries. In the end, everything that happens in A Feather So Black happens because of love. And I loved every minute of it.

Time to fall in love with Fia in A Feather So Black

Fia is a great character. She’s flawed, but not irredeemably. Especially when you see how she was manipulated and raised. Watching her grow was incredible, and her final choices show just why self-love is the most important love of all.

I highly recommend A Feather So Black to anyone who wants to explore love. And if you just want some adventure, that’s in there too. And if you just want sex and romance, there’s plenty of that as well! This is a book that any fantasy lover can get into, so grab a copy and fall in love with Fia too.

Rating: 9/10

A Feather So Black by Lyra Selene is now available most places books are sold. Do you plan on picking up this book? Let us know on social media @mycosmiccircus or in The Cosmic Circus Discord. 

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Luna Gauthier

I've always been a bookworm and fantasy is my favortie genre. I never imagined (okay, I imagined but I didn't think) that I could get those books sent to me for just my opinion. Now I am a very happy bookworm! @Lunagauthier19 on Twitter

Luna Gauthier has 250 posts and counting. See all posts by Luna Gauthier