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Here’s part 2 of our December Discord Alex Perez Q&A! Keep an eye out for the third and final part in the coming days, and find part 1 linked at the end. In part 2, Alex answers questions about the status of Billy and Tommy, Sam Wilson’s Captain America, Kate Bishop, Black Panther, and Daredevil Born Again, and more!

To join our Discord, scroll down for a link (or in the sidebar on desktop). Please remember that only regular members of our Discord who are in good standing with the mods and the community will have access to ask Alex questions for the next Q&A.

Before moving on to Alex’s answers, I just want to let our readers know that we’re currently trying to build our following on YouTube as well as Bluesky, Threads, Facebook etc… You can find us on Bluesky at! As for YouTube, you can follow us for movie reviews, interviews and podcasts @TheCosmicCircus.  Small, independent websites like this one need all the support we can get to survive. Sharing, liking, commenting on posts, and following on social media is very appreciated and helps to get the word out about the great work our writers and contributors (like the amazing Alex Perez) do here.

[Note: questions have been lightly edited for clarity, spelling, or grammar.]

Billy & Tommy, Vision Quest

chance32252: Will Tommy’s story be a plot in Vision Quest?

Alex Perez: Not that I’m hearing. Tommy is being saved up for Billy and Agatha to find, from what I’ve been told.

M: Hey Alex, thanks so much for doing these, you are the best! Is Billy Kaplan/Maximoff going to have any sort of significant role in Avengers: Doomsday?

Alex Perez: I haven’t heard much about Billy, if I’m being honest. I’m not sure if he’s in it, but if the other Young Avengers pop up, who’s to say he doesn’t?

daofeiboy: Since there’s been lots of rumor not only talking about a possible Wiccan show, but also about a second season for Agatha All Along, do you see Marvel dialing down both projects into one as some people out there have been theorizing? I would very much like if both could happen as separate and individual projects, being honest.

Alex Perez: I’ll be frank with you: The rumored Wiccan project and this Agatha All Along season 2 thing are one and the same. The idea is to develop a sequel project where Ghost Agatha and Billy go on an adventure to find Tommy. 

Ghostly Agatha and Billy in Marvel studio's Agatha All Along
Agatha’s ghost (Kathryn Hahn) and Billy (Joe Locke) in ‘Agatha All Along’ (Marvel/Disney+)

Black Panther & Wakanda

chance32252: Hello Alex, will Letitia Wright be in the Avengers movies, and how vital is Shuri in those movies?

Alex Perez: I can’t imagine Avengers not having Shuri appear, so I think she may show up. But to add some fuel to the fire, I don’t think she’ll be the only Black Panther showing up. There’s a rumor I heard through the grapevine which I thought would be interesting to mention here: Michael B. Jordan may be returning for one of the upcoming Avengers films.

daofeiboy: Hello Alex and Lizzie, I hope you’re both having a pleasant day by the hour you get to read these questions. Does Marvel still intend to keep paving the way for Val to straight up declare war to Wakanda, eventually creating a catastrophic event all bc of vibranium? Or is it completely scratched?

Alex Perez: I don’t really see that happening anymore, since that plot shifted to adamantium and is working in Captain America: Brave New World.

Black Widow

∀: Any chances to get some Natasha content soon?

Alex Perez: Scarlett Johansson could return in the next Avengers films if the rumor mill keeps going. 

Captain America: Brave New World

Titan: What do you know (if anything) about the possible introduction of Amadeus Cho in Captain America: Brave New World?

Alex Perez: Only that he gets introduced, but outside of that, nothing.

ZayKilla: Do you think Brave New World’s performance will effect Captain America’s screentime in Avengers: Doomsday? Will Sam Wilson be featured in other What if…? episodes besides the Avengers mech one?

Alex Perez: Sam Wilson will be one of the leading characters in Avengers: Doomsday. That’s not going to change regardless of how Captain America: Brave New World is received. As for What If…?, I think he shows up in 2 episodes, if I’m not mistaken.

Captain America Sam Wilson Comics Reading Guide


Daredevil: Born Again

Vacanus: Thank you for doing these as always, Alex! I hope you’re doing well!  Have you heard anything from anyone about the overall quality of DD:BA S1 that you can share with us? How many seasons do you expect DD to go on for?

Alex Perez: The show is absolutely fantastic. The production team really tried to not only recapture the feel and vibe of the Netflix show, but elevate it to a whole new scale. I can foresee Daredevil: Born Again running for multiple seasons. I know that season 2 is already well into pre-production with production starting soon and there are already ideas being discussed for Daredevil post-Secret Wars not only for a third season but also his future inclusion in films.

Daredevil: Hi Alex, thanks for doing this again. With some creative decisions for this season being influenced by previously filmed footage, what was the process like in blending the new and old material? Did the team have to make any compromises to make sure everything worked cohesively, and how did that shape the final product?

Alex Perez: I don’t think it was a fairly difficult process to work on because they had time to reassess what they wanted to do and course corrected before it was too late. Part of the reasons why it wasn’t being received well at first was because it was too disconnected from the original Netflix series and didn’t really build upon what came before. So it was like starting from scratch. The point is, what they have with the show right now is special.

Daredevil: Since some creative decisions for this season were influenced by previously filmed footage, I’m curious — how firm do you think those decisions are moving forward, Is there a chance they might be kind of retconned in a sense or rather adjusted moving forward with future seasons? 

Alex Perez: Look to my answer above.

Radeon zonda: Hey Alex. Thanks for doing the q & a again despite your busy schedule. Will Daredevil and Kingpin appear in Doomsday?

Alex Perez: I don’t see Kingpin showing up in this film. Daredevil also has a chance, but given the way the first season ends, it’s going to be weird to cut him from what he’s doing so he can come fight in a Multiversal war, then put him back where he was and somehow pick up from where we left off like nothing happened in between.  

Daredevil Reading Guide: 1964-1998

daredevil reading guide 1964-05

Hifive326: Any talks for Jessica Henwick and/or Simmone Missick to return to the MCU as Colleen Wing and Misty Knight? Hopefully, in Daredevil: Born Again season 2?

Alex Perez: I’ve heard things about Colleen coming back. But we’ll see where those rumors lead.

Fantastic Four: First Steps

Alex (aps12359): Hello Alex! Thanks again for everything you do! There was a report a while ago that Sue Storm was going to be the character who has the main focus in Fantastic Four: First Steps. Is this true / is there any one of the individual 4 that will be the main focus in terms of the character storytelling for that movie specifically?

Alex Perez: Each member of the family has their importance in the film. There is truth that there is a moment in the film that makes Susan Storm, quite frankly, the most important person in their world (and when I think about it, universe) at one point, so maybe that’s what the rumor is referring to.

Hawkeye, Kate Bishop

Liam | Kate Bishop Fan: Do you think Kate Bishop will have a small role in Secret Wars as well as Doomsday or likely to only be Doomsday?

Alex Perez: I think she’ll be in both films.

Liam | Kate Bishop Fan: What is the current plan for the story of Hawkeye season 2 to include (Presuming it’s happening, as other sources have seemingly confirmed)

Alex Perez: I’ll be honest, I know nothing about Hawkeye season 2 at this time.

Kate Bishop Hawkeye
Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop in Hawkeye (Marvel/Disney+)

Hulk & She-Hulk

BraveFire: Hi Alex! I know all the Hulk questions are very complicated to answer, but I hope that won’t be the case. There are a lot of rumors going around right now about the start of a Wolverine vs Hulk movie development (Cryptic, MTTSH and other scoopers have been feeding the rumor). My question is: do you think Wolverine vs Hulk and World War Hulks are one and the same movie or 2 separate/different projects?

Alex Perez: It wouldn’t be a smart idea to compound both of those story arc ideas into one movie, so I think they’re separate movies. But I’m fairly certain we’re getting a Hulk movie soon. There’s still the matter of the unknown Marvel Production titled “Shadowstone Productions” which we reported on 2 years ago. And Shadowstone is a Marvel mineral tied to Hulk, so…we’ll see what happens.

BraveFire: You suggested that Maestro could be the next version of Hulk after Smart Hulk who will appear soon, my question is: will he just be used to be alongside Doom for the Avengers movies or for something bigger like a conquest/revenge arc maybe (Doomsday– World War Hulks villains-Secret Wars (- after Secret Wars))? 

Alex Perez: Maestro, at this point in time, could only work as part of the Multiverse Saga IF they decide to bring him in.

Setyourownlimit: Hello, I hope you like Hulk. Can you please tell us something exciting about the future of the Hulk? In the form of a hint if you want (I know you like that).

Alex Perez: Hahahahaha. I love this question. Listen, I’m not the biggest Hulk fan like some of you, and I’m not that well-versed in Hulk lore. Outside of what I teased, there is very little I know about Hulk at the moment. But chin up. When you face a problem head on, Fixit.

Setyourownlimit: Will Mark Ruffalo come back in a project before Doomsday? Many say Brave New World, but I mostly think he’ll be in Fantastic 4 or Thunderbolts*.

Alex Perez: He’s not in any of those projects.

CamCam: What’s up, Alex? Hope you’re eating your vegetables. Is there anything for me to look forward to as a fan of She-Hulk in the MCU?

Alex Perez: I eat carrots daily so yes I eat my vegetables. As for Jennifer Walters, she’ll be back.

She hulk training with Hulk
Hulk and She-Hulk training (Disney+/Marvel)


matapple: Does Ironheart leave the door open for future appearances of Parker Robbins (The Hood) in the MCU, or he’s more like a one and done like Alden Ehrenreich’s Ezekiel Stane?

Alex Perez: My only advice. Don’t make deals with the devil. It’s not worth it.

Ms. Marvel season 2

Hifive326: With Young Avengers now becoming a show, does that diminish the chances of a Ms. Marvel season 2 happening?

Alex Perez: I don’t think so. Ms. Marvel was really successful, but I think right now they want her to interact with the larger scale MCU instead of isolating her in her own show. I’m not saying she can’t handle stuff on her own or doesn’t deserve solo stories, but they like her teaming up with other characters.

Lookout for part 3 of December’s Marvel Studios Q&A with Alex Perez in the coming days!

What Marvel Studios projects are you looking forward to most? Let us know on social media @mycosmiccircus on X, Threads, Facebook & Instagram, or on Bluesky!

December Discord Q&A Part 1: Marvel Studios Avengers: Doomsday, Secret Wars & More

December Discord Q&A with Alex Perez talking about Marvel studios Avengers Doomsday Secret Wars Antman and more


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Lizzie Hill

I'm a lifelong fan of sci-fi, fantasy, and comic book movies. In July 2021, I launched The Cosmic Circus as Editor-In-Chief with a small but passionate group of writers. @MsLizzieHill on Twitter and Instagram.

Lizzie Hill has 134 posts and counting. See all posts by Lizzie Hill