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New ‘Echo’ Extras Casting Call, More Details Emerge

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As Marvel Studios gears up to film the Disney+ show Echo, new details have emerged about the upcoming filming that hints at the story. According to a new website, casting for a core group of background extras is well underway. The time commitment and roles may reveal some of Marvel’s plans for the Hawkeye spinoff starring Alaqua Cox.

Background Townspeople With a Huge Time Commitment

The casting agencies set up a unique website, Echo Extras, to cast for the series. Currently, they’re looking for two groups of background performers for the show.

According to the website, the first group will be in it for the long haul. They must have “full availability” from around June 1 through September 2022. This group will be portraying townspeople and can expect to work for several days a week. This is a significant time commitment.

The second group of people that the website is seeking is larger. They want “a few hundred persons” to commit to 5 days a week for three weeks of filming in July.

New Casting Agencies

Marvel is working with two firms with deep experience in casting Native Americans, First Nations, and Indigenous Peoples for this new casting call. They’re using the companies Midthunder Casting and Freihofer CastingThese agencies have cast for shows like Reservation DogsLongmire, and Comanche Moon.

Previous Casting Call

Earlier in March, a post through Central Casting in Georgia was also seeking people for Echo. The form associated with that application had some very interesting questions that hint at potential story points we could see in the show. The form asked potential actors, “Do you dance in Powwows?” If the answer was yes, potential actors were supposed to specify the dancing category, with “Men’s fancy” listed as an example. The questionnaire also requests information about any sports skills or horseback riding skills.

Filming timeline and other known details

Echo is currently expected to film from mid-April until the September of 2022. We don’t have a release date yet or the number of expected episodes. Working titles for the series are currently known to be “Whole Branzino” and “Grasshopper.”

The last time we saw Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez was during her showdown with Wilson Fisk (Vincent D’Onofrio) in the finale of Hawkeye. She confronted him about her father’s death and ultimately shot him. Echo’s faceoff with Fisk in the Disney+ series parallels the comics. Daredevil (Vol. 2) #15 “Vision,” written by David Mack, features this exact sequence. Fisk ends up blinded in the comics; however, we don’t know his fate in Hawkeye. It’s a pretty safe bet he’ll be back, and won’t be happy with his “niece,” however.

Speculation about the show Echo has centered on where Lopez goes after shooting Fisk. She leaves the United States in the comics. Post-Hawkeye, we don’t know where she’s going, but we have some clues about her journey from filming details.

Looking for a Small Town + The Rez & Graham Greene Speculation

The Cosmic Circus reported details about Echo’s filming chock full of story breadcrumbs earlier in March. We noted that the show’s location manager, Ryan Schaetzle, said that Marvel and Echo’s production company, Frequent Productions LLC, were looking to tell “a story about a small town.” A small town would undoubtedly be an excellent place if Lopez wanted to make herself scarce after shooting her mentor and a notorious New York City crime boss.

Given that the new casting call says that the core group of townspeople will essentially be on call throughout an entire summer, it seems like the small-town story and setting is rather significant. Online chatter has speculated that the town could be The Rez from the comics, but we don’t have hard evidence of that right now.

Echo - Daredevil (1998) #53 (Marvel Comics)
Echo – Daredevil (1998) #53 (Marvel Comics)

The Rez appeared prominently in Daredevil (Vol. 2) #53, again by David Mack. The same issue featured an elder character named The Chief. Oscar-nominated actor Graham Greene, known for Dances with Wolves and American Gods, will appear in Echo in an unknown role. Again, there’s been speculation that Greene could be the Chief who appeared in the comics issues on The Rez. More information about Greene’s specific role will likely emerge as the show starts filming.

These details – from the core extras casting call to the filming information are beginning to fill in the blanks for the highly anticipated Echo Disney+ series.

What do you think about the casting information for Echo? Are you excited about the Disney+ series? Please share your thoughts in the comments or with us on Twitter @MyCosmicCircus.

Source: Echo Extras

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Ayla Ruby

I am a writer and interviewer based somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant. I love all things nerdy - but Star Trek and Spiderman have special places in my heart. Find me at @TulinWrites on Twitter. And visit my other website for more reviews and interviews:

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