As we now enter the final phase of the Multiverse Saga later this year, all eyes are on the upcoming Avengers films that promise to be two of the biggest Blockbuster movie events of a generation. Come May 2026, Marvel fans will experience Avengers: Doomsday, a film that will signal the beginning of the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe we’ve come to know and love for the better part of over a decade. As the multiverse lies on the brink of total collapse, the Avengers must band together to face their greatest challenge yet: Incursions, catastrophic collisions between different realities that threaten to destroy entire universes. Now, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes race against time to prevent the oncoming incursions from destroying their reality and unleashing chaos across the multiverse as they come face-to-face with a man who seems to be at the center of it all, Victor Von Doom.
Avengers: Doomsday will see the return of the directing duo: The Russo Brothers at the helm of another Marvel Studios film, joined by screenwriter and longtime collaborator: Stephen McFeely. While the cast for this film has not been 100% confirmed as of yet, fans are expecting these films to have some of the biggest casts ever assembled for a Marvel production.
At the moment, Robert Downey Jr. is confirmed to take on the role as Victor Von Doom for the next two Avengers films, in a role that sources have compared to Josh Brolin’s Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, where it felt as though Thanos was the protagonist of the movie. In addition, Chris Evans and Hayley Atwell were confirmed to return for the upcoming sequel, but details about their roles remain clouded in mystery.
Also returning for the sequel are Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Stephen Strange, Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Anthony Mackie as Captain America, Danny Ramirez as the Falcon, as well as the casts of Thunderbolts* & Fantastic Four: First Steps. And that’s just the ones who’ve been confirmed. The list of possible entries goes on and on, but more on that for a future article.
The premise of this film will reportedly center around the heroes of Earth-616 encountering incursions from multiple universes. Now, these incursions will allow our heroes from 616 to encounter heroes and villains from other universes as they start to seep into their own. The scale of these upcoming movies just based on that concept alone makes it such a gigantic film and production, which according to our new exclusive, is about to get a whole lot bigger.
Exclusive: animated universes and characters will have a role to play in Avengers: Doomsday
According to our sources, Marvel Studios has been exploring ways to bring their animated properties into this film, reportedly maintaining the animated format of their characters as well as their respective universe, instead of transitioning a character from animated to live-action and vice versa.
To put it in simpler terms, we’re looking at a possible Space Jam / Who Framed Roger Rabbit? scenario for the scenes involving these characters. In addition, to clarify, while Miss Minutes is expected to return for Avengers: Doomsday, the information regarding these scenes is IN ADDITION to Miss Minutes’ interactions on screen.
What animated characters/universes could show up in Avengers: Doomsday?
Let’s break the possible candidates from most likely to least likely. For starters, What If…? appears to be the most likely frontrunner of all the possible animated projects that could have a feature in Avengers: Doomsday. Not only does the show handled the topic of the Multiverse for the past 4 years now, but rumor has it we are close to seeing Jeffrey Wright show up as the Watcher in the next Avengers sequel, not to mention the Exiles composed of Storm, Byrdie and Kahhori, who traveled the multiverse along with Captain Carter to help out different universes in need of assistance.
Several sources whom I’ve spoken to believe that we could see Wright return as The Watcher for Avengers: Doomsday, very likely with the Exiles in tow, as they try to observe how the multiverse dissolves into madness from the 5th dimension and try to help out as much as they can.
A second possible candidate could be Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. While this may seem unorthodox, there was actually evidence of the idea of live-action and animated characters interacting before in the concept art of the upcoming Disneyland Avengers ride, where we saw Peter Parker from Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man show up alongside other live-action heroes to take on King Thanos, so there’s another possibility.
Speaking of Spider-Man, there were rumors that Miles Morales and other Spider-People from Sony’s animated Spider-Verse franchise could pop up in these films, but given the current position of the Spider-Verse story, it seems less likely that they’ll show up in Doomsday.
The same could be said for the X-Men ‘97 crew, who are right now displaced across time and space and still have their adventures to tend to. Lastly, there are some older Marvel Animation properties like Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes who could pop in, but that seems highly unlikely at this stage. There’s also the possibility of original characters showing up as part of these animated sequences.
Are you excited about this news? What Marvel animated characters would you like to see show up?
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