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As the years go by, the list of Funko Pops released for films inside the Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown exponentially. With the MCU entering phase four and phase five, I expect that list to continue to grow substantially. Funkos have taken off in popularity over the past few years as almost every movie released has some sort of Funko along with it. Now anyone can own a Funko Pop collectible from many of your favorite movies, TV series, even rock stars!

Some Funko Pops get vaulted though, meaning they are no longer being manufactured, and that often causes the prices to skyrocket on those certain Pops remaining. Regardless of rarity, many of the Pops from the MCU are still accessible, as numerous websites sell them along with popular websites such as Ebay, Amazon, and Mercari. Today, I will be taking a look at my top five favorite Marvel movie Funkos that you can own or buy as a gift for another Marvel fan in your life.

5. Captain America: The Winter Soldier – Winter Soldier with Mask and Shield


This Pop sees The Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes holding Captain America’s shield along with having his original Vibranium arm. This Pop is an Amazon exclusive, meaning Amazon owns the rights to distribution for this figure. The Pop is also part of the recent Year of the Shield line of Funkos that are all Captain America-themed. A fan-favorite Funko, this Pop was in high demand as past Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes pops had become somewhat rare. (Find it on Amazon here)

4. Avengers: Endgame – Thor Vinyl with Stormbreaker and Mjolnir

thor funko pop

This Pop sees Thor in his classic armor from Avengers: Endgame while wielding both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. This figure is inspired by the final battle in the film when Thor wields both of his iconic weapons in a fight with Thanos. A favorite of mine simply because of how incredibly cool it is to see Thor wield both of his infamous weapons, this figure has also seen a steady increase in price over the years.

3. Avengers: Infinity War – Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet

thanos funko pop

This figure speaks for itself, seeing Thanos use the Infinity Gauntlet equipped with all six Infinity Stones was one of the coolest moments in MCU history. Being able to own a Pop that replicates that moment from Avengers: Infinity War was definitely too cool to pass up. For such a stunning figure, this Pop was actually a common figure and to this day is still quite cheap. Common figure or not, this Pop definitely belongs on this list.

2. Avengers: Endgame – Captain America with Broken Shield & Mjolnir

captain america funko pop

Another common figure, this Pop sees Captain America wield Mjolnir along with his destroyed shield, a scene which many consider to be a top 5 moment in the MCU. Such an intricate figure with large detail, this Pop still managed to be a common figure that is widely accessible to fans of Funko Pops. This figure became one of the first Funkos I had ever purchased and has become one of my favorites in my collection. (and one of our Editor-In-Chief Lizzie’s favorites too!)

1. Avengers: Endgame – I Am Iron Man Glow-in-The-Dark Deluxe Figure

iron man funko

While it may be an obvious one, this Funko has certainly earned the top spot on my list so far. This sees a complete recreation of the most iconic scene in MCU history when Robert Downey Jr’s Iron Man uses his suit to wield the Infinity Stones and snap away Thanos and his army, and in doing so sacrificing his life to save the universe. A deluxe glow-in-the-dark figure, this pop sees vigorous detail across the board with battle damage on his suit along with the electricity from the stones going up his arm. At the forefront of my collection, this figure has become my favorite MCU Funko Pop.

With many new MCU Funko Pops arriving over the next few years. I would expect to see a lot of new and exciting Funkos that could land on this list someday. What are some of your favorite MCU Funkos that you own or wish you owned? What Funkos are you looking forward to collecting soon? Let us know in the comments or on social media!

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Drew Reed

Hey I'm Drew Reed, Staff Writer here at The Cosmic Circus. I love Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, The Lord of The Rings and many more fantasy and sci-fi universes. You can find me on twitter @ DrewReed1099

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