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After what felt like a very short break, Superman & Lois returned to our screens in true superhero fashion. With lots of action, just as much drama, and Tyler Hoechlin donning that bright red and blue suit, fans are always in for a treat.

However, compared to the previous season, how did the premiere hold up? Buckle up readers as we soar to extraordinary heights with Superman, saving the world one article at a time with Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) and diving into “What Lies Beneath.”

[Warning: Below are Spoilers from the Season 2 Premiere of Superman & Lois]

The show picks up three months after the season one finale ended. Summer is coming to a close and life in Smallville seems to be settling back into normal. However, nothing is very normal in the Kent household. 

Lois is struggling with the arrival of Natalie Irons (Taylor Buck), a daughter from a different universe while Clark is attempting to balance being a superhero with being a super father and husband. This is something he isn’t doing very well – a fact that Lois points out repeatedly. Their boys continue to be sex-crazed drama magnets, serving as reminders that this is still very much a CW show. 

Image from Superman and Lois CW/DC
Image from Superman and Lois CW/DC

This premiere episode leaned more drama-heavy than some of the episodes last season. While there was still plenty of great action sequences with Superman, the focus was more on the struggle of Lois and her inability to embrace a child that wasn’t hers.

This struggle gave way to so many fantastic scenes between the titular characters. One specifically showed a vulnerable side to Lois as she finally understands her mother and her decision to walk away. The panic, pain, and anger that Tulloch exhibited in that one scene alone showcase why she was the right choice as Lois in the Arrowverse. 

Taylor Buck was absolutely fantastic as Natalie Irons in this episode. She was sprinkled into flashbacks throughout season one, but her take on someone displaced from her universe was great. The anger she showed, masking the pain she felt at seeing her mother alive and living a different life, elevated the character to a new level.

I am thoroughly excited to see her continue to grow and interact with Jonathan (Jordan Elsass) and Jordan (Alexander Garfin). While they might be related on this planet, they have the making for a new blended superfamily. 

Superman (CW/DC)

Tyler Hoechlin continues to embody Clark Kent perfectly. Whether it be a serious moment or a light-hearted scene with his family and friends, he makes me believe it. There’s not a moment that goes by in the show that I’m not in awe of his acting abilities. He may be my favorite version of Clark so far in both television and movies. 

Now that we have moved past the first season drama of Jordan gaining control of his powers, the twins’ storyline felt a little flat. It was mostly focused on teenage love and lust, showcasing how each sibling handle that. Garfin has a bit more to chew on in his storyline, which sees Jordan Kent dealing with a changing relationship with Sarah Cushing (Inde Navarrette). Any adult that watches this show can easily relate to that feeling of loss one experiences when a relationship started to flicker out.

The action of the episode was excellent, which is something that I have almost come to expect from Superman & Lois. The CGI seems leagues above that used in any other Arrowverse show. It kept me on the edge of my seat and whooping with joy when Superman saves the day once more.

Out of the two Arrowverse premieres on the CW, this one was definitely the strongest in my opinion. But if the action and adventure continue in this fashion, Tuesdays are bound to be dominated by some strong comic book entries. But what do you think? Was this premiere a Strong return from the Man of Steel, or was it weaker than tin foil? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter @mycosmiccircus!

Superman & Lois airs Tuesdays on The CW and the next day on The CW App.

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Brian Kitson

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