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Social Reactions for Marvel’s ‘Werewolf by Night’

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It’s fall in the northern hemisphere, and that means spooky season. What better way for Marvel to celebrate all things frightening than with their very own comic lycanthrope, Werewolf By Night? Who needs pumpkin spice when you can spend about 52 minutes of black and white MCU monster-movie love with Gael García Bernal and Laura Donnelly?!

Although there’s been lots of talk about Werewolf by Night, the first footage of the Halloween special wasn’t screened publicly until a few weeks ago at Disney’s D23 Expo. The trailer was a homage to black and white horror goodness and confirmed our reporting about the appearance of Man-Thing as well as Laura Donnelly’s Elsa Bloodstone.

We knew composer Michael Giacchino was directing it, but we learned at D23 that screenwriters Heather Quinn and Peter Cameron penned the script for the standalone show. 

Social reactions for Marvel’s Werewolf by Night

The Cosmic Circus has been following the story and breaking news from Marvel’s Halloween special presentation since the very beginning. And now that the social reactions are in from across the Twittersphere, we’ve got those for you too on the latest MCU entry. Read further to get the early buzz on the special… IF YOU DARE!!

“HORRIFYING. SEXY. Marvel changes the game, delivering a TWISTED but fun affair…” – watching as intended

“…a love letter to classic horror, to universal monsters, to practical effects work, and to horror itself.” – Kate Sánchez

“Man-Thing steals the show!” – Rohan Patel


“..can’t wait to see him walking around the theme parks next Halloween.” – Dan Valero Fletcher


“…a B-movie flavored monster mash that’s clearly made with love and passion by total horror nerds.” – Jacob Hall

“…i am obsessed with Elsa Bloodstone and Jack Russell! the chemistry!!” – Victoria Edel

“…That was such a fun time at the movies. Most violent thing Marvel has done yet.” – Ernesto Valenzuela

“..the right amount of suspense to draw you in and get you terrified.” Anthony @ The Movie Podcast

“…And yes, in glorious silvery Black and White. If it wasn’t, it would be super-scarlet bloody.” – Richard Whittaker

“…creature feature monster mash radness throughout.” – Trey Hilburn

Fantastic news at Fantastic Fest

Most long-form reviews of the special will release in early October when Disney’s press embargo ends, but some lucky critics and fans got to view the show unencumbered by embargo as part of Austin’s Fantastic Fest. Fantastic Fest is “the largest genre film festival in the US, specializing in horror, fantasy, sci-fi, action and just plain fantastic movies from all around the world.” 

The surprise screening makes sense, given that WBN’s head honcho Michael Giacchino is a genre film fan. 

Social reviews like the ones we spotlighted above are short and sometimes will be used by the studios to help promo a show. Long-form reviews get into the weeds of what worked and what didn’t. 

Marvel’s Werewolf by Night officially releases on October 7, 2022. You can stream it then on Disney+. And while you’re waiting, check out Vin’s curated reading guides if you’re curious about the comic history of some of the characters, including Werewolf by Night, Elsa Bloodstone, and Man-Thing. 

We’ll be back here at The Cosmic Circus with our review and more reactions after release. Until then, our writers will celebrate the spooky season by rewatching WandaVision’s “All-New Halloween Spooktacular!”

Are you excited about Werewolf by Night and Michael Giacchino’s love letter to monster movies? Please share your thoughts with us on Twitter @MyCosmicCircus or join our open to the public free discord community. We may have pointy teeth, but we don’t bite… we’re not Dracula, after all. 

Source: Fantastic Fest

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Ayla Ruby

I am a writer and interviewer based somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant. I love all things nerdy - but Star Trek and Spiderman have special places in my heart. Find me at @TulinWrites on Twitter. And visit my other website for more reviews and interviews:

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