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This episode of The Cosmic Circle features a fun, lively discussion between host Vin, Ayla, Emily, and Brian about their reactions to Spider-Man: No Way Home (SPOILER warning!). The group also ranks their favorite Spider-Man film appearances. Do you agree with their rankings? Let us know in the comments or on social media!

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Loose Threads: Westview Vs. Wanda Maximoff

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Lizzie Hill

I'm a lifelong fan of sci-fi, fantasy, and comic book movies. In July 2021, I launched The Cosmic Circus as Editor-In-Chief with a small but passionate group of writers. I am now also the owner/EiC of subdomain site, Cosmic Circus Broadway. @MsLizzieHill on Twitter and Instagram.

Lizzie Hill has 131 posts and counting. See all posts by Lizzie Hill