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Update: BBC Refuses to Comment on David Tennant’s RUMORED Return to ‘Doctor Who’

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Monday, I reported on a rumor that David Tennant could possibly return to Doctor Who. Generating way more positive reactions and views than I ever would have thought possible, from fans just like me who were excited about a possible Tennant return. However, not long after our initial report dropped on The Cosmic Circus, there was an update that adds to the mystery and intrigue of Tennant’s possible return.

Doctor Who’s Head of Press Stance on David Tennant’s Return

Coming from the entertainment editor of Good Morning Britain Richard Arnold, the BBC has refused to comment on Tennant’s return. Speaking with Good Morning Britain presenters Susanna Reid and Edd Balls, Arnold stated that he hosted the head of press for Doctor Who at his home over the weekend. And nothing quite goes with tea time like a slew of questions about The Doctor’s future and Tennant’s return. 

Arnold stated that the head of press “couldn’t be drawn” on his line of questioning, regardless of how much liquor he provided. He joked that he topped off her liquor frequently for hours over the course of the Sunday Lunch, but the BBC official wouldn’t budge on either confirming or denying the news. Arnold indicated that he pressed quite a few times about Tennant’s possible return to the beloved BBC show but received nothing. So what does this refrainment from an answer mean for Doctor Who and the return of a beloved character from its history? 

What Does This Mean for Tennant’s Possible Return

While the head of press said nothing about the actual return of David Tennant to Doctor Who, the lack of an answer is incredibly interesting. If this rumor, which originated from a Facebook post no less, was wrong, why not just say that? It would have been easy to dismiss this as a silly rumor if it was untrue. So perhaps there is more truth to this rumor than we initially thought.

The writer of the post that first made these claims indicated that he received the information from the same person who leaked Sacha Dhawan as the Master. This ended up being true back in the series opener to season twelve. While this doesn’t inherently add validity to the rumor, it does add another piece to this ever-growing puzzle and support why it might be true. It should be noted as well that the post on Facebook was submitted anonymously, therefore it’s difficult to even know if it is the same individual who leaked Dhawan as the Master. However, the possibility of Tennant reuniting with the T.A.R.D.I.S. has me more excited than I could possibly believe.

If the rumor is true, it would be the first time an actor has played two different versions of The Doctor in the almost 60-year history of the show. It would be the second time Tennant has returned to the show since his initial run from 2006 to 2010. His first return was in ‘The Day of the Doctor’ for the show’s 50th anniversary. So far the idea that Tennant’s return for new regeneration instead of a return as the tenth Doctor has been met with mixed thoughts. Some seem excited to see him return to the highly successful franchise, while others wish to see Ten return in a spectacular fashion.

Russell T. Davies Return to Doctor Who

With the return of Russell T. Davies as Showrunner starting with the 60th anniversary year, perhaps other stars from his previous tenure as showrunner could make a return. Especially during the 60th celebration special that is bound to kick off his new run on Doctor Who. While we still may have some time until we get official confirmation of Tennant’s return to Doctor Who, it’s exciting enough to know that the series is in good hands with Davies once more steering the ship.

But what do you think? Do you think the non-answer from the head of press hints at a possible return? Would you like to see David Tennant return to Doctor Who once more? Let us know!

Doctor Who returns in 2022 with two full-length specials, with the first ‘Legend of the Sea-Devils’ expected around Easter.

Source: Doctor Who TV / Plymouth Herald

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Brian Kitson

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