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What I Heard: ‘Kim Possible’ Reboot is in the Works

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Since the arrival of Disney+, it seems like Disney is finding new life for every beloved brand and franchise they have. The company has already given patrons of its streaming service a live-action/CGI blended film on an updated idea of Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers, Cars on the Road, a continuation of the Cars franchise, and a new season of The Proud Family, to name a few. These series bring back tons of fond memories for those who grew up with them, so if these revivals are done right, it’s a no-brainer for audiences and the company alike.

It doesn’t seem like Disney is about to stop either, as there are already projects in development continuing the adventures of Moana, Princess Tiana, and many more. So it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that Disney is poised to add another to that list, dipping its toes into some of its strongest Disney Channel properties, following in the footsteps of the That So Raven reboot. This one will make plenty of people my age excited because a show from our childhood may be making its grand return to the small screen soon. I’m already bouncing in my seat just writing about it. It seems that a Kim Possible reboot is in the works!

What I Heard: nothing’s impossible for Kim Possible

According to what I’ve learned recently, a reboot of the series from the early 2000s has been in the works. This project will be animated and so not a continuation of the 2019 live-action film that was questionable at best.

However, those looking for a whole new season might have to wait just a bit longer, because it seems this reboot is going to be a film for one of their networks or Disney+, if not both (as seen with other cross-platform Disney projects). Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if another series or more films follow if this reboot is received well by audiences.

Kim Possible
Ron Possible (Will Friedle) and Kim Possible (Christy Carlson Romano). Kim Possible (Disney)

Christy Carlson Romano and Will Friedle talk Kim Possible

Unfortunately at this time, I don’t have any more details about the project, but perhaps there is some information we can discern from other rumblings on the internet. Earlier this month stars Christy Carlson Romano who voiced Kim Possible, and Will Friedle spoke about their desire of returning to the character in an interview with TV Insider. When asked about where they think their characters would be, if the series came back, they had this to say. (Via TV Insider)

“I see it the same way. Here is the joy of the writing of Kim Possible. What [creators] Mark [McCorkle] and Bob [Schooley] are able to do it’s so timeless. If they wanted to they could pick up right where they left off. You can do the same open title sequence and then would be like no time had passed at all. The joy of animation is it’s a time machine. A voiceover actor providing, that you don’t start at 5 or 6, can still hit those registers and still become those characters. That’s the fun. When they say you are Kim and Ron again, we can snap right back to where we left off.” – Will Friedle

“Wouldn’t it be so much fun? Our podcast gives the fans a chance to see us in action again. I think our audience has missed us and being together and hearing our voices together. We have a great camaraderie with the podcast. We have a great friendship .it’s still fun being in the same space.” – Christy Carlson Romano

Both appear eager to return to the roles, but perhaps their answers are more generic to hide any current involvement in the project for now. It makes the most sense since you can’t have a Kim Possible reboot without these two involved! However, their involvement with this project is still just speculation at this time.

A rough history of past Kim Possible reboots

This wouldn’t be the first time that Kim Possible has made a return to the public eye. The original series ran from June of 2002 and concluded after four seasons and a few animated films in September 2007.

Twelve years later, a live-action reboot arrived on Disney Channel starring Sadie Stanley as Kim and Sean Giambrone as Ron. The film incorporated plenty from the series, such as Wade, Shego, and Dr. Drakken. That being said, this reboot didn’t capture the same attention or excitement that the series did and any hopes of a good reboot seemed squashed.

Kim Possible 2
Shego (Nicole Sullivan) and Kim (Christy Carlson Romano). Kim Possible (Disney).

Enough time has passed now and it’s the perfect chance to have another go at this action-packed series about a cheerleader turned crime fighter and her clumsy and loveable sidekick. And Rufus too, of course! It could be interesting to see the characters age up, as adults, presenting a new collection of real-life problems to go with the ever-present supervillains and mad scientists that the duo has to stop almost daily. Could even become a family affair, with the likes of Kim and Ron’s children joining in on the adventures.

Regardless of how it comes back, I’m really excited at the prospect of getting another dose of Kim Possible in my life. Whenever and however Kim Possible returns to our screens, I’ll sit there enjoying every moment and I know I won’t be the only one.

Kim Possible is currently streaming on Disney+. Would you like to see this series and its characters return in a reboot? Do you want it to be more animation or live-action? Let us know on Twitter or in The Cosmic Circus discord. 

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Brian Kitson

Working hard to bring you the latest news and thoughtful analysis of all things nerdy!

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