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There are few iconic comic book characters that carry the same symbolic weight as Captain America. The shield and star-striped suit are not just a weapon, a tool or an armor. They are a representation of hope, perseverance, respect, equality, and justice. For a long time, Steve Rogers was a person who stood behind and defended those ideas. But when Marvel decided to choose Sam Wilson, formerly known as the Falcon, to be entrusted with the title of Captain America, many were surprised.

This wasn’t just a simple act of passing down a legacy, but rather a cultural statement, both within the Marvel comic book universe and in the real world. Steve Rogers choosing Sam wasn’t just a gesture shown to him for their good friendship or shared battles. It was about recognizing Sam’s unique ability to take the ideals of Captain America and make them more relatable for modern times.

Sam Wilson’s comics journey from a humble social worker to an American hero and icon

Sam Wilson first appeared in Captain America #117 in 1969. He was created by Stan Lee and Gene Colan. Sam was Marvel’s first African-American superhero to be a part of this universe, in the pages of their comics. Up to this day, he is an important character and his creation is an important part of Marvel’s history. In the beginning, Sam Wilson wasn’t a pararescuer, he was a Harlem-born social worker. Sam always cared for the people, his community, and his heritage.

Sam became the Falcon after meeting Steve Rogers and encountering Red Skull. This encounter led to a Cosmic Cube giving Sam powers to connect with an ability to communicate, and in some moments control, avian forms of life. As Falcon, Sam quickly became one of Steve Rogers’ closest allies and best and most trustful friends. Their bond was forged through countless battles, and sometimes literally in fire. For decades, Sam tried to keep a balanced lifestyle as both a superhero and an important figure in the community. All he ever wanted to do was help people.

Despite his heroics, and being an important part of the African American community, Sam often existed in Steve’s shadow. He was a trusted partner but rarely the sidelined point of his storylines. That began to change in the 2010s as Marvel started expanding his role, slowly preparing to announce Steve Rogers’ spectacular and most important decision in Captain America (2014) issue #25: announcing that Sam Wilson IS the next Captain America.

Sam Wilson becomes Captain America in Marvel Comics
Sam Wilson becomes Captain America in Marvel Comics (Marvel Comics)

The decision to make Sam Captain America wasn’t just a narrative twist or a thing for only a few issues just for the sake of it. Sam Wilson became Captain America for good. For the first time, a Black man wielded the shield and became the symbol of America’s ideals and its complicated past. It was a significant moment not only for Sam but for the history of America as well as for the Black community.

Changing the stereotype and breaking the social construct of an ideal soldier and ideal hero were the most important parts of Sam’s “promotion”. He had to prove and fight for the correct ideals more than Steve ever had to. Sam made sure that being Captain America was not only an honor, but a calling to prove people wrong about him, about showing that everyone is worth saving, and showing the injustice that happens to people.

And that’s where Captain America: Sam Wilson – The Complete Collection Volumes 1 & 2 come into play. Those two collections show us Sam’s earliest moments of becoming Captain America. The story and narrative don’t try to be careful with revealing the problems and errors of Sam’s early missions. They don’t shy away from showing readers how cruel, ruthless, and apathetic people are towards this choice and his decisions. That’s why those comic books are worthy of diving deep into.

Sam Wilson is THE Captain America!

From the very beginning of his new role, Sam faces backlash as he is not Steve Rogers, and he is not White. While Steve Rogers was beloved by many people as Captain America, Sam was not. Some praise him as a symbol of progress, while others outright reject him and deny him being a hero and having the same privileges that Steve Rogers had. The phrase “Not My Captain America” or “Take Back The Shield” became common phrases being used throughout those comic books.

The public opinion about Sam becomes harsher and harsher with each new comic book. Social media campaigns, protests, and even conspiracy theories are becoming more common. These moments in the story force readers to confront uncomfortable truths about race, patriotism, and the double standards often applied to marginalized figures in positions of leadership. And this is more proof that this isn’t a struggle Steve Rogers ever had to face. But for Sam, it becomes a defining part of his journey as a superhero, especially as the one who is now meant to be THE symbol of American patriotism, justice, equality, and peace.

What makes Sam’s Captain America unique is his commitment to addressing systemic issues. Even though those Complete Collections are at some point getting quite political, the idea behind showing those issues is noble and worth showing. They try to show real-world problems, including racial injustice, giving the wrong people too much power, and corporate exploitation.

Unlike Steve, whose heroism often was not questioned, Sam’s decisions and actions are always negatively commented on. His roots as a social worker and an army man shape his understanding of justice as not just an ideal but as something that must be actively fought for every day, to not hurt innocent people, no matter who they are, what the color of their skin is, or their sexual orientation. These stories changed the perspective on what it means to wield the shield of Captain America. For Sam, being Captain America isn’t just about fighting super villains, it’s about standing with the people, especially those overlooked or oppressed by the very systems meant to protect them.

Sam Wilson's Captain America in Marvel Comics
Sam Wilson’s Captain America in Marvel Comics (Marvel Comics)

The shield is just a tool, a symbol that people recognize, it represents strength and legacy, but it is defined by the individual who wields it. Steve Rogers gave the shield to Sam Wilson, and Sam is the one who has to define what Captain America and his shield represent now. Sam’s journey does not come without showing his personal challenges and moral dilemmas. His relationships are tested on all fronts as he tries to show the responsibilities of being Captain America. But he forgets about trying to NOT be another Steve Rogers, but being just the beloved, kind, warm, honest, brave man he is.

During his new journey, characters like Misty Knight, Joaquin Torres (a.k.a. The new Falcon), Gideon Williams (Sam’s brother), and other heroes play a significant role as his friends, providing emotional support while also challenging him to stay true to his ideals and not to abandon them. Additionally, Sam’s dynamic with Steve Rogers remains a key element of the story. While Steve fully supports Sam’s new role, there are moments of tension, especially as Sam begins to change the meaning behind the shield.

Without spoiling much about the whole story, overall the idea of Sam Wilson becoming Captain America was, in my opinion, an incredibly important creative decision made by Marvel Comics. Sam’s story, struggling with becoming the symbol for everyone, and fighting negative history, are crucial parts of this superhero’s journey.

Why Sam’s character matter and what is his future?

For many fans, seeing a Black man wield the shield is a powerful moment of representation. It signals that the ideals of Captain America, such as justice, and equality belong to everyone, not just a select few. However, this road to representation isn’t without its challenges. Both in the comics and real life, Sam’s transition into becoming the next Captain America faced criticism. Some MCU fans felt that it was a departure from tradition, while others questioned the political themes that were used for the storylines.

But these challenges are precisely what makes Sam’s journey so important and so meaningful. By confronting resistance head-on, it forces readers to examine their own biases and consider what it truly means to be a hero. What I like to think about Sam Wilson’s Captain America is that when the world is most divided, when people are constantly hating each other and disagreeing with one another, there always has to be a person who will step up and try to help us. In the Marvel Universe, it is Sam Wilson who, for me, is a character worthy of taking up the mantle of Captain America showing good values, and proving what it means to be a real hero.

Anthony Mackie in Brave New World
Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson (Captain America) in Captain America: Brave New World (Marvel/Disney)

Sam’s journey as Captain America continues to evolve in the comics and movies, especially with Captain America: Brave New World, where Anthony Mackie will cement his position as Cap. Looking ahead, it’s clear not only in comic books but in MCU as well, that Marvel intends to keep Sam as one of the most important characters in the universe. His character offers endless potential for exploring themes and values that are important, and we can never forget them, so we can be better people.

Read these Captain America: Sam Wilson comics soon!

Captain America: Sam Wilson – The Complete Collection Volumes 1 & 2 are perfect comic books If you want to know who Sam Wilson is, how much he struggled with becoming Captain America, and how those comic books inspired MCU movies and a TV Show. They tell a simple, yet important story that doesn’t just ask what it means to be a hero, it asks what it means to be a symbol of all things that are good in a divided world.

Sam Wilson’s journey as Captain America is as much about confronting social challenges as it is about personal growth. Through these stories, Sam proves time and time again that he isn’t just holding Steve Rogers’ shield, he’s creating his legacy. His Captain America is bold, brave, compassionate, complicated, and committed to justice. I just want to say that this is an important piece of not only Marvel’s history but of pop culture. Sam Wilson is one of the most important heroes ever created, and he IS Captain America. His legacy has only just begun.

Check out my full discussion about these comics and the upcoming Captain America: Brave New World below or visit our YouTube channel for more comics discussions, interviews, and movie reviews! 

Captain America Sam Wilson Comics Reading Guide


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Wiktor Reinfuss

Big fan of all sorts of pop culture stuff. I also enjoy ambitious cinema. Games, music and graphics are all within my interests. I have a great fondness for the Arrowverse series, especially The Flash.

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