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Hello again everyone. I hope that wherever you are you have clear skies and clean air (we’ve been stuck inside all week thanks to air quality and heat here). But if you’re stuck inside like me at least you can pass the time with a good comic. Check out some of the new comics from July 5, 2023, for some boredom relief!

[This week’s comics are provided by Warp Zone Comics and Collectibles. Warning my reviews of this week’s comics contain some spoilers, read at your own risk]

Dark Horse Comics: Barnstormers #1

From Dark Horse, Barnstormers is written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Tula Lotay. A historically based comic, Barnstormers stars WWI vet John Baron. Back from the war and only 18 years old, John decides to use his pilot skills to travel the country performing aerial tricks for delighted crowds. Along the way, John meets Helen, a female barnstormer. The two begin performing together and eventually fall for each other. An adrenaline and oxytocin-soaked peek at a somewhat forgotten part of our past, Barnstormer #1 sets up a different kind of comic adventure that is more invested in characters than fight scenes.

DC Comics: Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #5

From DC, Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent is written by Tom Taylor and illustrated by Clayton Henry. The Super Sons have come back together. Now Jon Kent is focused on returning to his Earth. But time is running out for him. With just one more issue to go, can Superman be saved? This issue builds up to what should be an epic finish in the final issue.

For a review of the Superman: Son of Kal-El series, also featuring Jon Kent, check it out here!

Superman Son of Kal-el DC Showcase

DC Comics: Knight Terrors Poison Ivy #1

From DC, this Knight Terror series is written by G. Willow Wilson with art from Atagun Ilhan. Just like in Knight Terrors Batman, Poison Ivy is stuck in her worst nightmare. Pamela Isley’s nightmare has a very Stepford Wives feel to it. Diving into the nightmares of characters is a great way to get to understand them better. Our fears reveal a lot about us, even more than our hopes.

Watching Poison Ivy try to escape this sugary-sweet trap is fascinating and really lends some insight into what makes her tick. The artwork is excellent. The over-the-top, dare I say maniacal expressions of happiness on everyone’s faces are downright creepy. Truly a nightmare.

DC Comics: Knight Terrors Batman #1

From DC, this run is written by Joshua Williamson with art by Guillem March and David Lafuente. We all know that Batman is a man haunted by his past. I wouldn’t want to spend a night with his dreams. But that’s exactly what Williamson, March, and Lafuente ask us to do with this two-part comic run.

Batman is stuck in the nightmare realm. He has to find a way to escape. But when you build your whole life around your nightmares can you ever really escape? We might think we already know all of Batman’s nightmares, but seeing them through March and Lafuente’s eyes was a whole other experience.

Knight Terrors Batman
Knight Terrors Batman #1 (DC Comics)

Mad Cave Studios: Project Riese #1 

New from Mad Cave Studios, I was given an advanced reader copy of Project Riese #1. Written by Zac Thompson and illustrated by Jeff McComsey with color from Paul Little.

This is a special sneak peek of Project Riese, out August 2nd. In 1941 a train laden with stolen Nazi gold disappeared, never to be seen again. 11 years later Sam Safdie and his team of treasure hunters think they know where to find it. They head to Castle Ksiaz, the last place the gold train was seen, to try and recover it. Unfortunately for Safdie and Co, Ksiaz is still full of Nazis. Recovering the train may not be as easy as they had hoped.

The Nazi gold train is a real thing in real life. As is its disappearance. Real people have searched unsuccessfully for the train and its treasures. Project Riese promises to be a fun take on this modern (ish) legend and treasure hunt.

Marvel Comics: Captain America #750

From Marvel, Captain America #750 is written by Tochi Onyebuchi with art by Carmen Carnero with assistance from various guest writers and artists. In honor of Captain America’s 750th issue, a huge group of writers and artists have come together to create a few stories to honor Cap’s past while looking to his future. This issue wraps up the Cold War storyline in a very satisfying way before moving on to set up new adventures. The variety of stories gives both Sam and Steve a chance to shine on their own, which is nice.

Marvel Comics: Captain Marvel Dark Tempest #1

From Marvel, this is the newest series from writer Ann Nocenti with artist Paolo Villanelli. Captain Marvel just finished up a 50-issue run from Kelly Thompson earlier this year. Now Nocenti is giving her a new five-issue run. Carol Danvers needs some R&R after her run-in with the Brood. But superheroes never get a break. Villanelli does a great job on the art for this one. It’s a little bit of a slow start story wise but hopefully, that will pick up in issue #2.

Captain Marvel Dark Tempest
Captain Marvel Dark Tempest #1 (Marvel Comics)

Marvel Comics: Thor Annual #1

From Marvel, Thor Annual #1 is written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly with art by Ibrain Roberson. M.O.D.O.K. has managed to take over 9 out of 10 realms. Only Asgard has escaped his grasp. But of course, Thor isn’t going to sit back and let M.O.D.O.K. win like that. He comes after M.O.D.O.K.

Unfortunately, M.O.D.O.K.’s new power is stronger than Thor thought. He’s going to need help if he’s going to get rid of M.O.D.O.K. and save the ten realms. This one-shot serves as a really great bridge (maybe a rainbow one?) from Thor’s last series to his next. It’s a fun adventure reminding us that Thor may be the All-Father now, but he’ll always be Thor.

Marvel Comics: Venom #22

From Marvel, this issue is written by AL Ewing and drawn by Ramon F. Bachs with color by Frank D’Amato. Issue #22 opens in 1942 with another version of the symbiote that was used to try and win the war. Christened Flexo, it went rogue and destroyed an innocent village. So his creators froze Flexo in a cryo-chamber and abandoned him. But now he’s escaped and is hunting Eddie Brock. For some reason, he blames Eddie for his imprisonment. So he comes for Venom. But of course, Venom isn’t Eddie, he’s Eddie’s son Dylan.

Venom #22
Venom #22 (Marvel Comics)

Can Dylan convince Flexo that he’s not Eddie before Flexo kills him? Maybe the two can work together against their mutual adversary, Eddie Brock. Flexo seems to have been a polarizing figure back in 1942, and his shoot-first attitude doesn’t seem to have changed in the last 80 years. I was really confused about how Flexo could blame Brock, who wasn’t even alive in WWII for his imprisonment. It’s explained by the end but I thought it odd that Dylan never asked the same question. Maybe he’ll get there next time.

And that’s some of the new comics releasing July 5, 2023!

And that’s my say on this week’s new comics. Stay safe and stay cool out there! I’ll see you next week. Until then enjoy some great comics. What are your favorite comics right now? Let us know on social media such as Twitter or The Cosmic Circus Discord! 

New Comic Spotlight: New Comics for June 28, 2023

New Comics June 28 2023 banner

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Luna Gauthier

I've always been a bookworm and fantasy is my favortie genre. I never imagined (okay, I imagined but I didn't think) that I could get those books sent to me for just my opinion. Now I am a very happy bookworm! @Lunagauthier19 on Twitter

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