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The Chucky season 2 finale has finally arrived, closing out one of the wildest chapters in the Child’s Play franchise. This hit series is a continuation of the original Child’s Play series, which spawned seven films before it was eventually rebooted in 2019.

The Syfy and USA Networked jointly produced series follows the events of 2017’s Cult of Chucky, ultimately ignoring the Mark Hamill-led reboot, picking certain storylines and characters to continue with, while also introducing a new generation and direction for the franchise. 

While the series may have been a bit of a gamble, Chucky was a breath of fresh air and quite possibly one of the best comedy horror series out there. Chucky’s second season takes Jake Wheeler (Zackary Arthur), Devon James (Björgvin Arnarson), and Lexy Cross (Alyvia Alyn Lind) to church and out of Hackensack. The change of location thrust our heroes into unfamiliar territories as they fight for their lives from the living doll seeking revenge. 

Chucky’s second season also dived deeper into the lore of Charles Lee Ray, while also asking some philosophical questions that gave the series a greater depth. That being said, was the Chucky season 2 finale a good conclusion to this second chapter? Before we jump into everything it has to offer, if you need a quick recap of the premiere of season two, check out our review!

[Warning: Spoilers from Chucky season 2  are below!]

Praying for a silent night

Season 2 saw some massive changes for our three main characters, stemming from being found guilty of a murder they didn’t commit. Instead of going to prison, Jake, Devon, and Lexy are sent to the Catholic School of the Incarnate Lord, a school for those lost children with some deep emotional issues. The school also has a lot of importance to Charles Lee Ray, the serial killer who possesses the doll body of Chucky (voiced by Brad Dourif), having attended it himself when he was younger.

So when multiple Chucky dolls arrive at the school, Jake and his friends are at a complete disadvantage, for Chucky is quite familiar with the church while the group is not. However, in the closing moments of the penultimate episode, “Going to the Chapel” it seemed that they are rid of Chucky once and for all. Andy (Alex Vincent) stands over the body of the last Chucky, called Chucky Prime, as he breathes his final breath. At least, that is what the group thinks, but as the rule goes, you can’t kill a good bad guy.

The finale, titled “Chucky Actually” begins just before the closing moments of the previous episode, however this time from Chucky’s point of view. It’s shown to the audience that Chucky switched bodies with Dr. Mixter (Rosemary Dunsmore), the psychologist who has been working with Chucky, managing to escape death once again. Although he’s angry, for having his plan foiled once again by these incredibly smart teenagers.

Christmas dinner Chucky Season 2 finale
(L-R) Caroline (Carina London Battrick), Lexy (Alyvia Alyn Lind), Mayor Michelle (Barbara Alyn Woods), Jake (Zackary Arthur), and Devon (Björgvin Arnarson) in “Chucky Actually.” Chucky (SYFY).

So when we pick up with Jake, Devon, and Lexy in the finale, they believe life has returned to normal once again. No longer students at the Catholic school, nor are they in prison for the murder conviction that sent them to the school in the first place. Instead, preparing for a Christmas celebration, all gathered together in Lexy’s home. However, Chucky’s ready to ruin their White Christmas with tons of blood.

Jumping bodies

Chucky’s plan of revenge requires him to get another Good Guy doll which he can inhabit, a task that doesn’t take him long to do. Although he isn’t the only one looking for a new body, Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly) and her children are looking for new bodies as well.

Tiffany begins this episode hidden away, after losing the Jennifer Tilly possessed Tiffany doll in the episode before. Wanted for murder, Tiffany is trapped in the real Jennifer Tilly’s body, but she comes out of hiding to help Glen (Lachlan Watson) who is dying in the hospital.

Along with Glenda (Lachlan Watson), Jennifer sneaks into the hospital and puts both children back in a singular doll body once again. Reunited in the Glen/Glenda doll, they seem much happier and ready to go explore the world with their new freedom, leaving Tiffany by herself once again. She seems rather depressed, that is until she sees a Belle doll on television, being held by Lexy’s younger sister, and she has a renewed energy to get the doll and start over.

Tiffany and Chucky’s selfish motivations bring both to Lexy’s house, reuniting the storylines in a singular story once more. What happens next is an absolute blood bath, in one of the goriest scenes so far in the series. But the episode wraps up the story from season two quite nicely while also giving some huge hints of what comes next if Chucky returns for a season 3.

The good and the bad of Chucky season 2

One of the more interesting stories throughout season 2 was that of Glen and Glenda (both played by Lachlan Watson), the non-binary twins of Tiffany and Chucky. Over the course of the eight episodes, the idea of nature and nurture came into play in the exploration of the twins’ killer instincts.

Both individuals were shown to have a typical twin connection, however, there is something deeper and darker brewing underneath. Glenda seems more in touch with their serial killer side, dancing on the line far more than Glen, who seems to just want to do the right thing.

Their dynamics and duality were incredibly interesting, especially knowing they were spilt from their original doll body back in The Seed of Chucky. The idea of nature versus nurture is also explored in the story of a deprogrammed Chucky, which happens earlier in the season.

The deprogrammed Chucky was an interesting concept, however, that was overshadowed by the Glen and Glenda story – which was similar but more interesting. I give the highest of praise to Watson who played both Glen and Glenda perfectly.

Chucky Season 2 finale
Chucky in “Chucky Actually.” Chucky (SYFY)

While this season of Chucky was still very strong, Chucky himself almost took a back seat to all the other storylines. Personally, it felt like Jennifer Tilly’s storyline with her twins took up the majority of the season, but was also the strongest one.

Tilly did an exceptional job playing Tiffany who is pretending to be Jennifer. This dynamic really shines in the episodes where Jennifer’s real-life sister Meg Tilly is in the show playing herself. Season two upped the Meta-ness of the series, which was beyond hilarious and cracked me up multiple times.

Devon Sawa, who played Jake Wheeler’s father in the first season, was fantastic as Father Bryce. There’s a duality in the Father, who wants to run a good school and be recognized by the church, but also has a wicked side that comes out. His performance was one of my absolute favorites this season, with one scene in episode seven being one of my top ten television scenes of 2022. 

That being said, this season wasn’t as brilliant as season one. It was still a very good season, but it felt like it strayed too much from what made season one so fantastic. Part of the problem for me was the story itself, which was a bit difficult to follow in places.

There were so many characters and stories that needed to be tended to this season, which clogged up the story. I had to remind myself multiple times about which Chucky was which, even though they tried their best to differentiate between the different Chuckies. I’m all for trying something new and what Chucky season two did was great for the most part. However season one will be just a bit higher for me in my Child’s Play franchise ranking.

Final thoughts on Chucky season 2 and the finale

With so many stories and characters to follow throughout season two, the finale did a fantastic job of bringing everything into one cohesive conclusion. The way the finale ended made me even more excited for what is to come and I hope that Chucky is picked up for another season relatively soon.

It wasn’t as strong as the first season, however, that didn’t distract from the fun and enjoyment of this season. If you’re a fan of lighthearted horror and looking for a new series, check out Chucky the series, because you won’t be disappointed.

Chucky is currently streaming on NBC. Have you watched the second season yet? What did you think? Let us know on Twitter! And if you haven’t already, check out our review on the Chucky season 2 premiere!

Review: Chucky Season 2 Premiere

Chucky season two premiere banner

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Brian Kitson

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