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‘Doctor Who’ Season Premiere (Cosmic Circle Podcast Ep. 54)

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Well, fellow Whovians, we’ve made it! That dry spell between the end of Jodie Whittaker’s tenure as the Doctor and David Tennant’s return in the 60th-anniversary specials felt like forever. The break between those specials and this new season of Doctor Who was absolute torture! After the eventual final special, “The Giggle,” there is so much to learn about the new incarnation of The Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) and his newest companion, Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson). So with two episodes of the new season under our belts, we here at The Cosmic Circus couldn’t wait to sit down for a long-overdue Doctor Who podcast!

Join host Brian Kitson, along with writers Wiktor Reinfuss and Cameron Brook, as they break down all the exciting bits from Gatwa’s reign as The Doctor, beginning with his first appearance in “The Giggle” all the way to the two-episode premiere of his first season (“Space Babies” and “The Devil’s Chord”). Find out how their journey into the Whoniverse began, what they are enjoying about the newest Doctor and companion, and which Doctor is their favorite!

Are you enjoying the new episodes of Doctor Who on Disney+ and the BBC? Let us know on social media @mycosmiccircus or in The Cosmic Circus Discord. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider sharing it with friends, following us on social media, or joining our Discord.

Ep. 55 Timestamps: Doctor Who Premiere Podcast (Spoilers)

00:00 – Intros

01:35 – Brian, Cam, and Vic talk about their introductions to and journey with Doctor Who.

07:30 – Favorite Doctor? Favorite companion?

15:30 – Catherine Tate/Donna Noble’s return in the specials

17:22 – Intro of Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor in “The Giggle” and the use of bi-generation to introduce the new Doctor and bring back David Tennant as another Doctor.

25:00 – “The Church on Ruby Road” and “Space Babies” commentary (spoilers)

42:41 – “The Devil’s Chord” discussion (spoilers)

51:30 – The improvement of VFX since joining Disney+

53:30 – Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) thoughts and theories

58:30 – Excitement for the next episode and rest of the season

59:30 – Outros

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Podcast credits and show notes

  • Brian Kitson
  • Wiktor Reinfuss
  • Cameron Brook
Executive Producer/Editor
  • Lizzie Hill

Recorded on 5/15/24

Doctor Who is Cinematic in its Season Premiere on Disney+

Doctor Who season premiere banner

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Brian Kitson

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