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Recently Shared Audition Video for Marvel Villain May Reveal a ‘She-Hulk’ Scene

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A bit of boredom on a Sunday afternoon led me to search around on the internet, where I stumbled upon this audition video for a “Marvel Villain” posted 2 weeks ago by actor Tom Archdeacon.

While the video doesn’t reveal what Marvel project it’s for, after listening to the character’s tale, and especially after listening to the responses of the character speaking to him, it seems obvious. I believe it’s a pretty safe bet this fun audition scene involving an immortal man going through a divorce speaking with his female lawyer is for She-Hulk

Check out the video below for a glimpse at what could very well turn out to be a scene involving Tatiana Maslany’s Jennifer Walters and one of her villainous clients in the series!

[Editor’s note: it appears the “Marvel snipers” have had their way and the video was been deleted soon after this news was posted.]

In the video, Archdeacon’s character appears to be speaking to 2 female lawyers about his pending divorce case as he looks back and forth between them. He says that he is immortal and goes by “Doctor Revive” instead of Ryan Smith.

He boasts of a history of ending relationships he’s tired of, but doesn’t want to go through a confrontation about, by ending his life, or appearing to die. His body then regenerates and he becomes a “new man” free to marry and die again, to get out of the relationship, over and over.

One of the lawyers, becomes agitated and asks, “Do you think that this woman who has a law degree doesn’t know what immortal means?” The frustration with this client doesn’t end there, as by the end of the audition, the female lawyer blows up at her client.

Female lawyer: “Are you really that afraid of confrontation?! Seriously?!

Client: “Come on, I-I thought lawyers weren’t supposed to be judgemental.”

Female lawyer: “Obviously, relationships can be hard, but there is also just basic respect!”

Oh, boy. Safe to say, you wouldn’t like her when she’s angry. Or maybe you would? She does have a good point there. And I bet she looks good in green.

But my point is, yes, this seems like Jen losing her temper here if the audition is indeed for She-Hulk and this is based on an actual scene in the series. In that scenario, Jennifer would most likely be the one blowing up at this terrible guy and possibly hinting at things not going so well in her own love life in the process. 

Of course, it’s not a guarantee that we will see this scene play out exactly this way in She-Hulk, in fact, it will probably be at least a little different. But if this is based on a scene in the show, and I think it certainly could be, then we may see something fairly close. If so, this scene gives us at least a taste of the tone of the show and what types of cases, clients, and villains Ms. Walters will be dealing with.

I will note this other audition I found (below), posted on October 2020 by actor Marco Khanlian, which was very definitely for one of the main Tracksuit Mafia bros on Hawkeye. The scene linked below isn’t exactly the same, but it’s certainly very, very similar to the scene where Tomas (played by Piotr Adamczyk) has a conversation with Kate Bishop about his girlfriend and tickets to see Imagine Dragons.

This was posted over a year before the show aired, so it’s clear that sometimes they do give out audition scripts that closely resemble scenes in the real scripts. 

What do you think? Let us know in the comments or on social media!

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Lizzie Hill

I'm a lifelong fan of sci-fi, fantasy, and comic book movies. In July 2021, I launched The Cosmic Circus as Editor-In-Chief with a small but passionate group of writers. I am now also the owner/EiC of subdomain site, Cosmic Circus Broadway. @MsLizzieHill on Twitter and Instagram.

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