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Summer is long behind us over here in Michigan. The leaves are changing colors, bringing about the brilliant reds, oranges, and purples that signal the start of Autumn. As Halloween comes ever closer, and the gloomy clouds hang perpetually overhead in the sky, it’s time to embrace the reason for the season! That’s right, it’s time to get down with all things spooky. So grab a pumpkin spice latte or glass of hot apple cider, the coziest blanket you can find, and flick on your favorite scary movie! Are you looking for something new to watch that will bring both thrills and chills? Perfect, because we have quite a few scary movie and show recommendations we wanted to share!

Join host Brian Kitson and fellow Cosmic Circus writers John Dotson and Wiktor Reinfuss (Vic) as they share some of their favorite horror films and television series that are perfect for the Halloween season! From Chucky to Scream, Dracula to Supernatural, these three discuss a wide array of scary films and shows that are sure to fill you with terror. Plus listen to each of their stories of their first experiences with horror films!

You can listen to the podcast below directly or on most sites where you listen to podcasts. For email updates to The Cosmic Circle and Cosmic Cafe podcasts, subscribe here and follow us for updates on X at @cosmicpodcasts!

[Warning: Spoilers from some horror films and television series are within the podcast! Listen at your own risk!]

What are your thoughts on our Halloween discussion? What are some of your favorite horror films and television series? Let us know on social media @mycosmiccircus. If you enjoy this podcast, please consider sharing it with friends and following us on Twitter, or joining our Discord.

Ep. 44 Timestamps: Halloween Film and TV Discussion (Spoilers)

00:20 – Intros

01:25 – What was your introduction to scary movies and the horror movie genre?

17:45 – What are your scary movie/show recommendations to watch this Halloween or anytime?

01:14:45 – Outros

Halloween Recommendations

  • Brian’s recommendations
    • Rose Red
    • Skeleton Key
    • Chucky/Child’s Play
    • The Descent
    • Marble Hornets
    • The Shining Rope
    • Psycho/Bates Motel
    • One Missed Call
    • Shining Vale
    • Goosebumps
  • John’s recommendations
    • Host (2020)
    • Scream
    • Lake Mungo
    • Audition
    • Trick ‘r Treat
    • The Girl With All the Gifts
  • Vic’s recommendations
    • Sleepy Hollow
    • Halloween
    • Supernatural
    • The Ritual
    • Dracula (Francis Ford Coppola)

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Podcast credits and show notes

  • Brian Kitson
  • John Dotson
  • Wiktor Reinfuss
Executive Producer/Editor
  • Lizzie Hill

Recorded on 10/22/23

Superhero theme by HumanoideVFX on Pixabay.

Cosmic Circle Ep. 33: 2023 Movie Discussion

Cosmic Circle Ep. 33: 2023 Movies

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Brian Kitson

Working hard to bring you the latest news and thoughtful analysis of all things nerdy!

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