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‘My Adventures with Superman’ Season 2 Premiere Review

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My Adventures with Superman is the newest Superman cartoon from DC animation. Season 1 debuted last year to hit reviews and season 2 is starting this Saturday, May 25, with a two-episode premiere on Adult Swim.

The new season features the same cast and crew as the first. Jack Quaid is back as Clark Kent/Superman, alongside Alice Lee as Lois Lane and Ishmel Sahid as Jimmy Olsen. The showrunners are also the same, led by the producing team of Josie Campbell, Brendan Clogher, and Jake Wyatt. The two premiere episodes are written respectively by M. Willis and Angela Entzminger, and directed by Diana Huh and Kiki Manrique, all of whom worked on season 1 as well. So with all the right elements in place, does the sophomore season of My Adventures with Superman hold up to last year’s exceptional debut?

[Warning: minimal spoilers for the first two episodes of My Adventures with Superman season 2]

How My Adventures with Superman season 1 compares to season 2

I was really excited for the new season because I loved season 1. My Adventures with Superman season 1 was so fresh and creative, respecting the Superman mythos while reinventing familiar beats in unfamiliar ways. It was crazy, funny, and charming, letting the characters breathe, laugh, and fall in love while giving us classic Superman action with classic Superman kindness.

The first season prioritized smaller character arcs over big seasonal plot lines, giving us an adorable Clark/Lois pairing and one of the best Jimmy Olsen adaptations of all time. The warm character moments defined the show.

Review: My Adventures with Superman Is Warm, Wacky, and Wonderful


This is not My Adventures with Superman season 2.

For the purposes of this review, I was given the first two episodes. Based on these two episodes, season 2 seems bigger, faster, and more confident than season 1. It might even have better animation. But where season 1 starts as a relatively low-key show with fun Superman elements, season 2 starts as a big sci-fi action epic with only occasional cute moments.

The magic chemistry between the lead characters is no longer center stage, instead a minor detail lost in the mix of this season’s upcoming war. There are still a few good Clark & Lois moments worth treasuring, but Jimmy (the biggest surprise in season 1) is left with C-story scraps. I hope the later episodes can recapture the magic because compared to season 1, the first two episodes of season 2 feel charmless.

To be clear, the episodes themselves aren’t bad, but they’re extremely plot focused. Season 1 was special because it focused predominantly on fleshing out the younger versions of these iconic characters and skipped most of the typical origin fluff. Unfortunately, season 2 reverses course, doubling down on expositing the Superman origin, which everyone already knows.

The adorable character beats of the first season are relegated to secondary storylines in favor of rushed hero/villain setups, like any other generic superhero product. The overall story is tighter than season 1, but also less interesting. Just from these first two episodes, I feel like I can guess most of the season outline already.

What to expect in My Adventures with Superman season 2

Episode 1 pushes the characters aside to do the Krypton info dump that season 1 so boldly ignored. Expect nods to Man of Steel and Superman The Movie. It also clarifies the new villain threats for the season, who seem much more promising than the boring guys in season 1. These are important plot moments, but in a show driven by lovable characters, I expected a warmer welcome for the beginning of season 2.

Episode 2 tries to make up for this by refocusing on Clark and Lois, but it is still driven by the villains, and Jimmy still has nothing to do. Episode 2 also introduces empty emotional conflicts purely for the sake of drama, which is frustrating.

Overall, I’m glad My Adventures with Superman is coming back, but as a big fan of season one’s lovable quirk, these two episodes were not the start I was hoping for. I think more or different episodes might have given a better representative sample of the season. But in the end, I trust this creative team, and I’m excited to see where the season goes. Let’s hope it builds to something even more fun than last year!

Season 2 is coming to Adult Swim and Max this Saturday

Did you love My Adventures with Superman season 1 (now streaming on Max)? What are you hoping to see from season 2? Let me know on Twitter @vinwriteswords and remember to follow the site @MyCosmicCircus for more super reviews coming soon!

Also check out our other Superman articles, including heartfelt reviews for Superman & Lois and All-Star Superman!

All-Star Superman Comic Review


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Supeman & Lois Season 3 review

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Reviews, reading guides, and crazy theories. Obsessed with the Midnight Sons. Find me on Twitter @vinwriteswords!

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