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Welcome to September everyone. This time, we’re going to be trying a slightly different format with the New Comic Spotlight. Instead of reviewing each week’s comics, I’ll be previewing a large selection of comics scheduled to come out over the next month. I’ll include the intended release date with each title but publishers are notorious for changing release dates on comics last minute, so please don’t send me mean letters if a comic ends up coming out at a different time! So without further ado, here’s a selection of September’s new comics.

Boom! Studios: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #112

Written by Melissa Flores with art from Hendry Prasetya 

The last issue of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Boom! Studios marked the beginning of a new story arc for our heroes. Now they have to come to terms with their new relationships. But that’s not all! They also have to deal with dark magic and possession. Will their relationship problems stop them from saving the day? Or will they overcome their issues in time?

Release Date: 9/27/2023

DC: Action Comics #1057

Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Dan Jurgens, and Magdalene Visaggio with Art by Rafa Sandoval, Lee Weeks and Matthew Clark 

Rebuilding has begun and a new Golden Age of Metropolis is starting. But not everyone is pleased with the way things are going. Norah Stone dreams of a Metropolis without Kyptonians, and she’s gathering followers. Then members of the Super-Family suddenly become not so super. Suspiciously, a new group of metahumans appears at the same time. What exactly is going on here?

Release Date: 9/26/2023

DC: Batman #137

Written by Chip Zdarsky and art by Jorge Jimenez

Batman is determined to save Gotham City and isn’t afraid to use extreme measures to do it. But things have changed. People who were once allies can’t necessarily be counted on. But has Batman gone too far this time? Or is too far exactly what Gotham needs?

Release Date: 9/5/2023

New Comics September: Batman #137

DC: Batman Superman World’s Finest #19

Written by Mark Waid with art by Travis Moore 

It’s been fun learning all about how Batman and Superman became such a dynamic duo. There are just a few secrets left but by the end of this issue, everything will be revealed. Plus a lead-in to an all-new upcoming event set in the present instead of the past.

Release Date: 9/19/2023

DC: Blue Beetle #1

Written by Josh Trujillo and art by Adrian Gutierrez

Jaime Reyes’s life as the Blue Beetle is just beginning! There are new Beetles to train and leadership skills to learn. Thankfully Paco and Brenda are around to help. But something is watching from the shadows, who or what is it, and just what are their plans?

Release Date: 9/5/2023

DC: Catwoman #57

Written by Tini Howard with the art of Nico Leon 

This issue is part of the ongoing Gotham War event. Batman is becoming more and more isolated but Catwoman is going in the opposite direction, surrounding herself with more generals, soldiers, and followers. What will happen the next time these two very different people meet?

Release Date: 9/19/2023

DC: Detective Comics #1074

Written by Ram V. and Dan Watters with art from Stefano Raffaele

Bruce is bonded with a very real demon. The only way to save himself is to embrace his inner demons and use them to fight the actual demon. And how does Barbatos relate to all this? What does it want? Is it even there at all?

Release Date: 9/26/2023

Detective Comics 1074

DC: Harley Quinn #32

Written by Tini Howard and Sam Maggs and featuring art from Sweeney Boo and Kelley Jones

Harley Quinn is back from her Knight Terrors encounter but it seems like Knight Terrors isn’t done with her. Lady Quark is borrowing from Harley’s fears but she’s a girl with things to do and doesn’t let that slow her down.

Release Date: 9/26/2023

DC: Nightwing #106

Written by Tom Taylor with art by Stephen Byrne

Nightwing and Batgirl head off across the seas searching for Hold’s secret society that has been around since the Bludhaven was founded. We know from Nightwing #99 that the Hold’s vault held multiple safes. Now we’ll find out there has always been one left for Nightwing.

Release Date: 9/19/2023

DC: Penguin #2

Written by Tom King with art from Rafael De Latorre

The U.S. government wants Penguin to become the star of Gotham’s underworld again. In order to do this he’s gonna need a little help. Or more like the Help, an assassin he knew once upon a time. But things aren’t good with the Help. Before he can use him to take over Gotham, he’s going to have to help him get out of his own head. Either way, somebody’s ending up dead by the end of the issue.

Release Date: 9/26/2023

DC: Poison Ivy #14

Written by G. Willow Wilson with art by Marcio Takara

Poison Ivy is back in Gotham and investigating a strange new skyscraper. She gets all caught up in a messy mystery surrounding the building. Behind it all? A brand-new villain. Just to top things off, Poison Ivy is having trouble in the romance department.

Catwoman 14

DC: Wonder Woman: War of the Gods #3

Written by George Perez with art from George Perez, Russell Braun, Pablo Marcos, Scott Hanna, and Romeo Tanghal

A special edition of the third issue of the limited series. The war is getting worse as teams of both heroes and villains prepare for the final attack on Circe’s island… and Wonder Woman is among the fallen heroes!? Say it ain’t so!

Release Date: 9/12/2023

Mad Cave Studios: Tales From the Cave

Written by David Hazan, Keith Frady, and Rachel Pinnelas and featuring the art of Shane Connery Volk, Luca Romano, Riccardo Cecchi, Marco Pelandra, Marco Tortella, Marcello Iozzoli, Justin Birch, Renato Quiroga, and Andriy Lukin 

Just in time for the spooky season, Mad Cave Studios brings a scary comic for everyone to read. This one-shot features three tales: a spooky Nottingham story from Hazan, Volk, Romano, and Birch; a Battlecats “tail” featuring teenage felines tempting fate; and a Hunt. Kill. Repeat. battle over technology. Fans of all three worlds will love this spooky treat.

Marvel: Amazing Spider-Man #33

Written by Zeb Wells with the art of Patrick Gleason

When we last saw Spider-Man he stopped Kraven II from injecting Osborn with all his sins and resurrecting the Green Goblin. Unfortunately, he did this by taking the injection himself. Now Spider-Man is the one on the hunt. And he’s coming after Kraven II. Will Kraven’s hunting skills be enough to keep him alive?

Release Date: 9/6/2023

Marvel: Amazing Spider-Man #34

Written by Zeb Wells with the art of Patrick Gleason

Spider-Man continues his hunt from issue #33. Who will the next victim be? Hopefully, someone will stop this Spider-Man/Green Goblin hybrid before it’s too late.

Release Date: 9/20/2023

Amazing Spider-Man 34

Marvel: Daredevil #1

Written by Saladin Ahmed and art by Aaron Kuder 

Ahmed and Kuder are set to reboot the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen with a huge new adventure. Which old friends will be popping back up this time around? And will we meet any new friends? All we know right now is that there will be plenty of action in this new Daredevil run.

Release Date: 9/13/2023

Marvel: Ghost Rider #18

Written by Ben Percy and featuring the art of Carlos Nieto 

Johnny Blaze has teamed up with the hedge witch, Talia Warroad, but he doesn’t really know her. Now Talia’s past is coming to get them. Just who is Talia Warroad and why is she teaming up with the Ghost Rider? And how does Doctor Strange relate to all of this?

Release Date: 9/13/2023

Marvel: Immortal Thor #2

Written by Al Ewing with the art of Martin Coccolo

An Elder God of the Utgard-Realm has a bone to pick with Thor. And they don’t care about collateral damage, even entire cities are fair play! Thor must do something but the only way to win has a very steep price of its own. And where was Loki in all this? This is the story of Thor and his greatest test.

Release Date: 9/27/2023

Immortal Thor #2

Marvel: Miles Morales Spider-Man#10

Written by Cody Ziglar and art by Federico Vicentini

Miles has to contend with the anti-vigilante group Cape Killers while trying to stop the super speedy villain Hightail. But there’s no way he can let Hightail get away because her powers are bringing something so much worse to New York City. Good luck Miles!

Release Date: 9/13/2023

Marvel: Moon Knight #27

Written by  Jed MacKay with art by Federico Sabbatini 

Moon Knight and Hunter’s Moon need to find Black Spectre. While they’re searching for him they come across a reluctant informant. In order to question the informant they must pursue this through the most dangerous place of all, the human mind. 

Release Date: 9/6/23

Marvel: Moon Knight: City of the Dead #3

Written by David Pepose featuring the art of Marcelo Ferreira

Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab are trapped in the City of the Dead and trying to save a young runaway’s life. Unfortunately for them, the City of the Dead is shaped by your thoughts and memories. And all Marc can think about is complete and utter carnage. Get ready for some extreme action as these two face off against an army of dead supervillains.

Release Date: 9/27/2023

Marvel: Spine-Tingling Spider-Man #0

Written by Saladin Ahmed and art by Juan Ferreyra

This is for all you people who start the spooky season on September 1st! For the first time in print, read this collection from the Infinity Comics series on the Marvel Unlimited app. Billed as “the most terrifying Spider-Man story ever!” Just in time for Halloween.

Release Date: 9/13/2023

Marvel: Star Wars #38

Written by Charles Soule with art by Madibek Musabekov 

Lando Calrissian is trying to save his friend Lobot. They have to venture deep into the palace to find their way out. Meanwhile, there is treason, evil droids, and Jabba the Hutt to make things more difficult. Will they live long enough to find what they need and escape?

Release Date: 9/6/2023

Star War #38

Marvel: Uncanny Avengers #2

Written by Gerry Duggan, art by Garron and Javier

Mutants hate humans, humans hate mutants, and the Uncanny Avengers are trying to fix that. And they better hurry because there’s a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and they don’t care who they hurt. In addition to fighting evil, the Uncanny Avengers have to deal with feelings of a romantic nature that they aren’t sure they’re ready for and they certainly don’t have time for!

Release Date: 9/20/2023

Marvel: Uncanny Spider-Man #1

Written by Si Spurrier with art from Lee Garbett 

After the Hellfire Gala Kurt Wagner is on the run. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t having fun! He’s decided to become a hero and save some civilians, find some fellow spidey-folk, and generally save the day. But eventually, he’ll have to address the mutant in the room…

Release Date: 9/20/2023

Marvel: Venom #25

Written by Al Ewing and featuring the art of Sergio Davila and various others 

This is a special oversized addition to celebrate Venom’s anniversary. Eddie needed Doctor Doom’s time platform – and got more than he bargained for in the process. Luckily, Eddie’s had experience navigating the timestream. He’s ready to take his conflict with Meridius to its end, once he’s done with DOOM that is!

Release Date: 9/13/2023

Marvel: Werewolf by Night #1

Written by Derek Landy with art by Fran Galan

Elsa Bloodstone and Jack Russell are both trying to stop the sacrifice of a young girl. The girl’s best bet is for them to team up but can they do it? They better figure it out, and fast, or it will be too late.

Release Date: 9/13/2023

Werewolf By night #1

Marvel: Wolverine #37

Written by Ben Percy with art from Juan Jose Ryp 

Wolverine is starting a new arc in issue #37. He’s making his way through the Marvel Universe, starting with the Incredible Hulk. He’s also trying to hunt down the remaining Wolverine clones from Beast’s weapons of X. The new storylines make this a great time for newbies to jump on the Wolverine ride.

Release Date: 9/20/2023

Marvel: X-Men #26

Written by  Gerry Duggan with art by Towe and James 

This issue is all about another comic book. In Invincible Iron Man #10 Emma Frost married Stark, something she swore she would never do. And she didn’t even tell any of her family or friends! So X-Men#26 is all about her mutant family reacting to Emma’s newfound relationship status.

Release Date: 9/6/2023

What comics will you pick up in September?

And that’s the run-down for September. If you want to pick up physical copies of any of these comic books but you’re not sure where a shop is near you, try checking on

What are your favorite comics right now? What comics do you plan to pick up soon? Let us know on social media or The Cosmic Circus Discord!

New Comics Spotlight: August 23, 2023

New Comics August 23 2023 Banner

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Luna Gauthier

I've always been a bookworm and fantasy is my favortie genre. I never imagined (okay, I imagined but I didn't think) that I could get those books sent to me for just my opinion. Now I am a very happy bookworm! @Lunagauthier19 on Twitter

Luna Gauthier has 250 posts and counting. See all posts by Luna Gauthier